Tree Cutting Contract Dispute


In New York, if a company breaches a tree cutting contract and forges signatures, you can take legal action. Report forgery to the police and consult a local attorney. The statute of limitations for breach of contract is six years, and for fraud, its two years from discovery. Follow up on any police reports and consider civil action for damages.

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I have property in ny state, i had a contract with a company to do a select cut worth *.* of trees. When i go to my property i aee they have other crew cutting tresss down
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. To clarify, did the contract specify the company's permission to bring in another crew? And was there any agreement about the type or number of trees to be cut?
I ask todre the contrct and the one thry dhoe os not the one we signed
Hello ****, it seems like there's a breach of contract. In NY, you can:
- Ask for a written copy of your original contract.
- File a complaint with the Department of Consumer Affairs.
- Consider legal action if damages are significant.
Please consult with a local attorney for advice.
When thry shoe me it the forged my hubznfs name on contract
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear that. Forgery is a serious crime. Here are the steps you can follow in NY:
- Report the forgery to your local police department.
- Consult with a local attorney to explore legal action.
- You may also need to report this to NY's Attorney General's Office.
This happened in * i filed police report whrn it hzpped
Hello ****, if you've already filed a police report back in *, you might want to consider:
- Following up on the report with your local police department.
- Consult with a lawyer to discuss potential civil action for breach of contract or fraud.
- Contact NY's Attorney General's Office for further assistance.
Is it to latr to sue
Hello ****, in New York, the statute of limitations for breach of contract is six years, and for fraud it's two years from when the fraud was discovered. It's not too late to sue for contract breach, but consult with a local attorney to confirm.