Partial Payment Check Dispute


If you receive a check marked paid in full but believe its only partial payment, avoid cashing it without consulting a local attorney. Writing partial payment on the check may not protect your rights to the remaining amount. Contact the customer to issue a new check for the correct amount. If the dispute continues, legal action might be necessary. For pro bono legal services in New York, contact the New York Legal Assistance Group.

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I renovated someone's apartment, and they gave me a check which they Mayfield. It is in full payment. I inform them that it was not, and that they still owe me over seventy five thousand dollars. Can I endorse the back of the check that this is on only partial payment for the renovations that were done to the apartment?
Hello ****, it's important to know your location, as laws vary by jurisdiction. However, generally:
- It's not advisable to cash a check marked "paid in full" unless you agree it's the full payment.
- Writing "partial payment" before cashing it may not protect your rights to the remaining amount.
Please consult a local attorney for advice.
They claimed was for full payment
Hello ****, considering the information you've provided, you may want to consider the following:
- Reach out to the customer and ask them to issue a new check for the correct amount.
- Consult with a local attorney to understand your rights and possible actions.
- If the dispute continues, you might need to take legal action.
Remember, I'm providing general advice, it's always best to consult with a legal professional in your area.
I thought that is why I contacted you
Hello ****, indeed you have contacted the right place for general legal advice. However, for more specific advice or legal action, you may need to consult with a local attorney. Would you like assistance in finding one in your area?
If they do pro, bono, work or answer this question at no charge
Absolutely, ****. There are organizations that provide pro bono legal services. Could you please tell me your location so I can provide you with relevant information?
Sure, ****. In New York, you can contact the New York Legal Assistance Group for pro bono services:

New York Legal Assistance Group

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Hanover Square, 18th Floor, New York, NY *