Departmental Task Review Email


Drafting an email to multiple departments for reviewing specific contractual clauses. Includes tasks for Sales, Operations, and Finance departments.

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Sales Department Review: The sales department should review the Non-Exclusivity clause in Article T to ensure they understand that the Client is free to deal with other third parties. They should also pay attention to the Assignment clause in Article U, which states that the Supplier cannot transfer the Agreement without the Client's consent. Operation Department Review: The operation department should focus on the Maintenance Activities outlined in Article A, specifically the Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM) requirements. They should also review the Compliance with Legal Obligations in Article M to ensure that the Supplier maintains adequate insurance cover for any claims. Finance Department Review: The finance department should carefully examine the Payment Schedule in Annexure * to understand the installment payment terms. They should also review the Termination clause in Article D to be aware of the termination process and financial implications.
It seems you need help drafting an email to various departments to review specific contractual clauses. Here’s a concise email template you can use:
Subject: Immediate Review of Contractual Clauses
Dear [Sales/Operations/Finance Team],
Please review the following clauses in our current agreement:
Sales Department:
- Article T: Non-Exclusivity—Understand that the Client can engage with other third parties.
- Article U: Assignment—The Supplier cannot transfer the Agreement without the Client's consent.
Operations Department:
- Article A: Maintenance Activities—Focus on Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM) requirements.
- Article M: Compliance with Legal Obligations—Ensure adequate insurance cover for any claims.
Finance Department:
- Annexure *: Payment Schedule—Understand installment payment terms.
- Article D: Termination—Be aware of the termination process and financial implications.
Thank you for your prompt attention to these matters.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
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