Principals Project Interference


Sakhile Baloyi, CEO of Afri Skyy Projects, is managing a renovation project at Edalingceba Primary School in Nigel, under a contract with the Gauteng Department of Education. The project has faced significant issues due to the principals interference, resulting in financial loss and operational disruptions. **Incidents of Interference:** 1. **Deviation from Scope:** - **Incident:** Principal instructed the construction of a carport of ±160 sqm instead of the agreed ±88 sqm. - **Impact:** Unapproved changes led to increased costs and project delays. 2. **Unauthorized Instructions:** - **Incident:** Principal instructed workers to paint an office after hours without overtime pay. - **Impact:** Workers dissatisfaction and potential labor disputes. 3. **Private Gain:** - **Incident:** Principal solicited workers to perform tasks at her private residence and intended for Afri Skyy to cover these costs. - **Impact:** Unauthorized use of company resources, leading

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I am the CEO and founder of Afri Skyy Projects. i have a serious legal issue brewing and I need to write a brief to my attorneys for them to assist me to take a legal position on the matter. here is the background: Background - Client: **** ****, CEO of Afri Skyy Projects - Location: Gauteng, South Africa - Project: Renovation contract with the Gauteng Department of Education at a school in Nigel - Issue: Principal's interference in project operations resulting in financial loss Legal Grounds *. Breach of Contract: - Contract terms with the Gauteng Department of Education. - Principal's actions deviating from the agreed scope of work. *. Interference with Business:
Hey ****, it sounds like a significant issue. To draft your brief, you can structure it like this:
Brief to Attorneys
- Client: **** ****, CEO of Afri Skyy Projects
- Location: Gauteng, South Africa
- Project: Renovation contract with the Gauteng Department of Education at a school in Nigel
- Issue: Principal's interference in project operations resulting in financial loss
Legal Grounds
*. Breach of Contract
- Terms: Outline the specific contract terms with the Gauteng Department of Education that have been breached.
- Actions: Detail the principal's actions that deviated from the agreed scope of work.
*. Interference with Business
- Describe how the principal's actions have interfered with your business operations and led to financial loss.
Would you like more details on how to present evidence or any other specific part of your brief?
in terms of breach of contract, the order is governed by an SLA that I have attached herewith, the breach is regarding a continuous interference and deviation from the scope of works which explicitly states that no variation and no deviation. I shared this the Principal of Edalingceba Primary School. I never did quite get her name, nonetheless from the very beginning she has interfered in the implementation of the project whereas she has no jurisdiction over works being done and while work is being done , there is a site inspector that is responsible for that however she has contiously over stepped boundaries resulting in delays in the project and financial losss
Hey ****, you have a solid basis for a legal claim. Here's how you can structure your brief:
Brief to Attorneys
- Client: **** ****, CEO of Afri Skyy Projects
- Location: Gauteng, South Africa
- Project: Renovation contract with the Gauteng Department of Education at Edalingceba Primary School, Nigel
- Issue: Principal's interference in project operations resulting in financial loss
Legal Grounds:
*. Breach of Contract:
- Terms: Detail the specific SLA terms with the Gauteng Department of Education that have been breached.
- Actions: Describe the principal's actions that deviated from the agreed scope of work.
*. Interference with Business:
- Impact: Explain how the principal's actions have caused delays and financial loss.
Would you need more details on presenting your evidence or any other part of your brief?
Legal Grounds: *. Breach of Contract: - Terms: Detail the specific SLA - I will attach the SLA in the email that I will send to the attorneys for their perusal. terms with the Gauteng Department of Education that have been breached. - the terms that have been breached continuously are the terms that there must be no variations or deviations from the Bill of Quantiites/Job card. the principal has continuously interrupted my business operations by firstly using her position to coerce workers on site to deviate from the scope of work and do what she rather intends. she would not allow us to continue and made us build a car port that is +- * sqm as opposed to * sqm. there have been numerous other occasions where she has physically instructed my employees to do tasks without my knowledge or consent. she has even gone as far as taking some of my workers on site to her private residence to solicit work from them for her own private gain.
****, you have laid out a strong case for Breach of Contract and Interference with Business. To strengthen your brief, consider the following:
Evidence Presentation:
*. Documented Deviations:
- Copies of the original Bill of Quantities/Job Card.
- Records of changes imposed by the principal.

*. Witness Statements:
- Affidavits from your employees regarding the principal’s instructions.

*. Financial Impact:
- Detailed records of delays and additional costs incurred due to the principal’s actions.

Would you need more details on gathering or presenting this evidence?
write a brief for me to my attorneys about the issues at hand. I will give you the story bit by bit and we will compile this brief.
Sure, ****! Here’s a structured brief incorporating the story and details you've provided so far:
Brief to Attorneys
- Client: **** ****, CEO of Afri Skyy Projects
- Location: Gauteng, South Africa
- Project: Renovation contract with the Gauteng Department of Education at Edalingceba Primary School, Nigel
- Issue: Principal's interference in project operations resulting in financial loss
Legal Grounds:
*. Breach of Contract:
- Terms: The contract's SLA with the Gauteng Department of Education explicitly states no variations or deviations from the Bill of Quantities/Job Card. I will attach the SLA for your perusal.
- Actions: The principal has continuously breached these terms by:
- Coercing workers to deviate from the scope of work.
- Forcing us to build a carport of approximately * sqm instead of the agreed * sqm.
- Physically instructing employees to perform tasks without my knowledge or consent.
- Taking workers to her private residence for personal work.
*. Interference with Business:
- The principal's actions have caused significantdelays in project completion and financial loss due to unapproved changes and additional labor.
Evidence Presentation:
*. Documented Deviations:
- Copies of the original Bill of Quantities/Job Card.
- Records of changes imposed by the principal.
*. Witness Statements:
- Affidavits from employees regarding the principal’s instructions.
*. Financial Impact:
- Detailed records of delays and additional costs incurred due to the principal’s actions.
Would you need more details on gathering or presenting this evidence? Also, is there any additional information or specific points you want to include in this brief?
This should give your attorneys a clear and concise understanding of the situation. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to add!
prepare a detailed case study on the information provided above. furthermore, I will continue to give you information to add and continue the brief as I give you information in stages
Brief to Attorneys
- Client: **** ****, CEO of Afri Skyy Projects
- Location: Gauteng, South Africa
- Project: Renovation contract with the Gauteng Department of Education at Edalingceba Primary School, Nigel
- Issue: Principal's interference in project operations resulting in financial loss
Legal Grounds:
*. Breach of Contract:
- Terms: The SLA with the Gauteng Department of Education explicitly states that there must be no variations or deviations from the Bill of Quantities/Job Card.
- Actions:
- The principal coerced workers to deviate from the scope of work.
- Instructed construction of a carport of ±* sqm instead of the agreed ±* sqm.
- Physically instructed employees to perform tasks without client consent.
- Solicited workers to perform tasks at her private residence for personal gain.
*. Interference with Business:
- Impact:
- Delays in project completion.
- Financial losses due to unapproved changes and deviations.
- Disruption of business operations and employee management.
Evidence Presentation:
*.Documented Deviations:
- Copies of the original Bill of Quantities/Job Card.
- Records of changes and instructions imposed by the principal.
*. Witness Statements:
- Affidavits from employees regarding the principal’s unauthorized instructions and actions.
*. Financial Impact:
- Detailed records of delays and additional costs incurred due to the principal’s interference.
Would you like to add any specific incidents or further details to this brief?
the principal without the knowledge of the Gauteng Department of Education Inspector, instructed me to deviate from the scope of works and paint on the outside of the classrooms as opposed to the inside as per the scope of works (SOW) I told her that this would be problematic as the outside of the classrooms are face brick but she insisted. I instructed the inspector about this and she said I should continue. the paint specified on the BOQ is an eggshell sheen acrylic painted two quotes on walls . she has made us with the approval of the inspector deviate from that and the painting on the walls has been a nightmare to say the least. I have evidence in conversations and even advised that I'm going to have a problem with the paint and couldn't find a yellow that matched what the principal wanted.
Brief to Attorneys
- Client: **** ****, CEO of Afri Skyy Projects
- Location: Gauteng, South Africa
- Project: Renovation contract with the Gauteng Department of Education at Edalingceba Primary School, Nigel
- Issue: Principal's interference in project operations resulting in financial loss
Legal Grounds:
*. Breach of Contract:
- Terms: The SLA with the Gauteng Department of Education explicitly states no variations or deviations from the Bill of Quantities/Job Card.
- Actions:
- Principal coerced workers to deviate from the scope of work.
- Instructed construction of a carport of ±* sqm instead of the agreed ±* sqm.
- Physically instructed employees to perform tasks without client consent.
- Solicited workers to perform tasks at her private residence for personal gain.
- Instructed deviation by painting the exterior instead of the interior, resulting in complications.
*. Interference with Business:
- Impact:
- Delays in project completion.
- Financial losses due to unapproved changes and deviations.
- Disruptionof business operations and employee management.
Evidence Presentation:
*. Documented Deviations:
- Copies of the original Bill of Quantities/Job Card.
- Records of changes and instructions imposed by the principal.
*. Witness Statements:
- Affidavits from employees regarding the principal’s unauthorized instructions and actions.
*. Financial Impact:
- Detailed records of delays and additional costs incurred due to the principal’s interference.
Would you like to add any specific incidents or further details to this brief?
don't write it as a brief write it as a case study so as to be engaging. we will draft it as I provide you with information because the way you are giving me the brief now is redundant and repetitive and makes no sense. I need a structured case study to provide to my attorneys Mlambo & Associates
Case Study: **** **** vs. Principal of Edalingceba Primary School
**** ****, CEO of Afri Skyy Projects, is leading a renovation project at Edalingceba Primary School in Nigel, under a contract with the Gauteng Department of Education. The project has encountered significant issues due to the principal's interference, resulting in financial loss and operational disruptions.
Legal Grounds:
*. Breach of Contract:
- Terms: The Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the Gauteng Department of Education explicitly prohibits any variations or deviations from the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) and Job Card.
- Principal's Actions:
- Coerced workers to deviate from the agreed scope of work.
- Ordered the construction of a carport measuring ±* sqm instead of the agreed ±* sqm.
- Instructed employees to perform tasks without ****'s consent.
- Took workers to her private residence for personal tasks.
- Directed painting of the school’s exterior instead of the interior as per the BOQ, causing complications.
*. Interference with Business:
- Impact:
- Projectcompletion delays.
- Financial losses due to unauthorized deviations and additional work.
- Disruption of business operations and employee management.
Evidence Presentation:
*. Documented Deviations:
- Copies of the original Bill of Quantities/Job Card.
- Records of changes and instructions imposed by the principal, including the deviation to paint the exterior of the classrooms.
*. Witness Statements:
- Affidavits from employees regarding the principal’s unauthorized instructions and actions, including being taken to her private residence.
*. Financial Impact:
- Detailed records of delays and additional costs incurred due to the principal’s interference.
- Conversations and communications evidencing the issues with the paint and the principal's insistence on deviations.
Additional Incidents:
The principal instructed **** to deviate from the scope of works without the knowledge of the Gauteng Department of Education Inspector. She insisted on painting the exterior of the classrooms, despite ****’s objections about the face brick and color matching issues. The inspector later approved this deviation, resulting in complications with the paint job.
Would you like to provide more specific incidents or details to add to this case study?