Minors Gym Contract Dispute


The user, a minor, signed a gym contract without parental consent in Maryland. The gym is now demanding payment of $330. The user has cancelled the membership but the gym is threatening to take them to court for non-payment. In Maryland, contracts with minors are generally voidable and gym memberships usually dont fall under necessities. The user is seeking advice on their legal obligations.

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so i was * and signed up for a gym membership without any parent signing, and now i owe $* since i didn’t pay after going, but do i still have to pay?
What is the location of the gym? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information.
ocean city maryland
In Maryland, minors can't enter into contracts. However, they can be held responsible for necessary items like food or shelter. Is a gym membership considered necessary?
what if i still got into a contract and haven’t paid for 10 months so now i owe $*?
What is the gym's policy on contracts with minors?

In Maryland:
- Minors can't legally enter contracts
- Exceptions are for necessities like food, shelter
- Gym memberships usually don't fall under necessities.
you need to be * or older or have a parent signing
Did the gym know your age when you signed up?

In Maryland:
- Contracts with minors are generally voidable
- If the gym knew you were a minor, they may be at fault.
yes they did
the gym did know my age
Did the gym take any action or say anything when they found out about your age?
no i worked out there for 2 months, but what i didn’t know was that i signed into a 12 month contract but i only paid in cash for 2 months
Did the gym provide you with a copy of the contract when you signed up?
What does the contract state about early termination or non-payment of fees?
you have to send an email to cancel
What is the email address you need to send the cancellation request to?
The email address is needed to guide you on how to properly send a cancellation request to the gym.
i already canceled
Did you receive any confirmation or response from the gym after you cancelled?
no i just canceled now, but what i’m saying is that i owe $* even though i signed up as a minor
Did you inform the gym about your age when you cancelled the membership?
that doesn’t matter
Did you receive any written communication from the gym about the debt you owe?
yes i just talked to them
What did they say about the debt you owe?
that i have to pay
they said that i need to pay
What was the exact amount they said you owe?
What is the name and contact details of the gym? This will help in providing you with the next steps.
coastal fitness
why do you want to know
why do you want to know the details
Knowing the gym's contact details can help you in case you need to communicate with them regarding your issue.
i know the gyms contact details
What steps have you taken to resolve this issue with the gym?
i told them that i’m not going to pay but they are still trying to make me oay
i told them that i’m not going to pay but they are still trying to make me pay
What was their response when you told them you're not going to pay?
that i have to or they will take me to court
What was the exact wording of the threat to take you to court?
i will take you to court if you don’t pay
What is the name of the court they mentioned?
they didnt
they didn’t name one
What is the name and address of the gym? This information is needed to provide you with the most accurate advice.