Contract Evaluation Weight Changes


The Evaluation Committee can change evaluation weights for complex goods or services, but must document this in writing before starting the Contest and Award process.

Full Conversation

translate: cambio de los pesos de la evaluación por ponderación
Sure, here's the translation: "Change of evaluation weights by weighting."
It seems like you’re dealing with a contractual or procurement issue. Are you concerned about how the evaluation weights were changed during a procurement process? Could you provide a bit more context or detail about your specific situation?
que es IPER en ingles?
IPER in English stands for "Initial Environmental Review." However, the term could vary depending on the context. In legal or procurement contexts, IPER might have different meanings. Could you please provide more context or specify the field you are referring to?
que es IPER en espanol?
IPER en español puede tener diferentes significados según el contexto. En general, IPER podría referirse a "Informe Preliminar de Evaluación de Riesgos" en contextos ambientales o de proyectos.
¿Podrías especificar en qué ámbito estás utilizando el término IPER para darte una respuesta más precisa?
what is HIRA
HIRA stands for "Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment." It is a process used to identify potential hazards and assess the risks associated with them in order to implement appropriate control measures.
Do you need more information on how HIRA is applied in specific legal contexts or industries in Paramaribo District?
Línea Jerárquica de Aprobación (Establishment) inenglish
It looks like you need the English translation of "Línea Jerárquica de Aprobación (Establishment)." The translation is "Approval Hierarchy Line (Establishment)."
Would you like more detailed information on how the approval hierarchy works in a legal or business context in Paramaribo District?
traduce: Correo de Envio de Información
Sure! Here is the translation: "Information Delivery Email."
Do you need more information on how to draft such an email in a legal context?
translate absolución
Sure! "Absolución" translates to "acquittal" in English.
Is there a specific legal context or document where you encountered this term that you'd like more information about?
how to translate: Carta de Dictamen de Concurso
Sure! "Carta de Dictamen de Concurso" translates to "Contest Decision Letter."
Do you need help understanding the contents or implications of a "Contest Decision Letter" in a legal context?