Cybersecurity Contractual Duress Concerns
In Maryland, duress involves unlawful threats or coercion that force someone to act against their will. If a cybersecurity company is refusing to fulfill their contractual obligations unless you sign a new agreement, it may be considered duress. Document all communications, review your original contract for obligations and amendment terms, and seek legal advice from a local attorney to understand your rights and options.Full Conversation
Is it considered duress if a cybersecurity company i have a contract with is refusing to help with a cyber security threat until i sign a different agreement/contract?
Hi ****! To better understand your situation, could you please let me know which state you're located in? This will help provide more specific information about the laws applicable to your case.
****, in Maryland, duress involves any unlawful threat or coercion that induces a person to act against their will. If the cybersecurity company is refusing to fulfill their contractual obligations unless you sign a new agreement, this may be considered duress.
Would you like more detailed information on how to proceed legally?
In Maryland, you may have a claim of duress if a company is coercing you into signing a new agreement by refusing to fulfill their existing contractual obligations. Here are some next steps:
- Document everything: Keep records of all communications with the company.
- Review your original contract: Check for clauses regarding their obligations and any terms related to amendments or new agreements.
- Seek legal advice: Consulting with a local attorney would be beneficial.
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