Contract Validity Period Explained


The legal phrase for a contracts validity period can be stated as: This agreement shall be valid for a term of one (1) year from the date of execution, or until any contract or applicable agreement between the investee and the funder remains in effect, whichever is longer. To bind yourself to other funding contracts, include: Additionally, the undersigned agrees to be bound by any other funding contracts that the investor has made with the investee during this period. Ensure your contracts are clear and enforceable by using precise legal language.

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I also want to bind myself to the investee if they are bound by other funding contracts that the investor has made to them. This is still the validity period of this agreement.
To include the binding clause in your agreement, you could phrase it as follows:
"This agreement shall be valid for a term of one (*) year from the date of execution, or until such time as any contract or applicable agreement between the investee and the funder remains in effect, whichever is longer. Additionally, the undersigned agrees to be bound by any other funding contracts that the investor has made with the investee during this period."
Do you have any other specific clauses or terms you need assistance with?
Please advice legal wording forThis agreement is valid for a period of one (*) year from the date of signing, or until a contract or agreement in force between the investee and the funder remains in effect, whichever is longer. "
Here is the revised legal wording for your agreement:
"This agreement shall be valid for a period of one (*) year from the date of signing, or until any contract or agreement in force between the investee and the funder remains effective, whichever is longer."
Do you need assistance with any other clauses or terms?
Jadi asset fidusia kita akui sebagai debit asset dan investor diakui dalam kelompok ekuitas?
Untuk pertanyaan Anda mengenai pengakuan aset fidusia dan investor, berikut adalah beberapa informasi umum:
- Aset fidusia diakui sebagai aset pada neraca dengan mencatatnya sebagai debit.
- Investor diakui dalam kelompok ekuitas di neraca.
Lokasi Anda penting untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih spesifik. Di mana lokasi Anda berada?
Mengacu psak * dan psak * terkait assetn fiducia. Perlakuan akuntansi ya saat asset diakui maka akan dicatat oleh perusahaan sebagai asset dan pemilik asset fiducia dicatat sebagai kelompok ekuitas. ?
Mengacu pada standar akuntansi PSAK * dan PSAK * terkait aset fidusia, berikut adalah perlakuan akuntansinya:
- PSAK *:
- Aset fidusia diakui pada posisi neraca sebagai debit.
- Kewajiban fidusia diakui pada posisi neraca sebagai kredit.
- PSAK *:
- Pengungkapan tambahan terkait risiko dan pengelolaan aset fidusia.

Apakah Anda memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut terkait perlakuan akuntansi atau ada pertanyaan lainnya?