Non Circumvent Agreement Breach


Kim breached the non-circumvent agreement by entering unauthorized contracts, attempting to secure additional employment, and defaming you. She also failed to provide valid investor contact information, misrepresented facts, used abusive language, and withheld receipts. Consult a local attorney for legal advice.

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can you expand on number *
Certainly! The "Attempted Breach" refers to Kim trying to secure additional employment with a second vendor without your knowledge or consent. This could potentially be a violation of your agreement, particularly if it includes a clause about exclusivity or prohibits engaging in similar activities with other parties without your prior approval.
she also asked them to pay her rent bill. is that a violation
Yes, asking for personal expenses to be covered could be a violation, especially if it's not stipulated in the agreement. This could be seen as a conflict of interest or unethical behavior. It's advisable to consult with a local attorney for advice.
what does inducement of breach mean
"Inducement of breach" refers to a situation where a third party knowingly causes or persuades another party to breach a contractual agreement they have with you. In your case, it seems Kim may have induced a breach by trying to divert your investors to another person.
Can you re write that part so it sounds like a lawyer wrote it. Kim diverted one investor away from me to one vendor, offered to bring her other investors to the other investor if he hired her
"Kim undertook an act of inducement of breach by intentionally diverting an investor, initially committed to investing in our venture, to a different party. Furthermore, she proposed to transfer her remaining investors to this other party, contingent on her employment with them."