Delayed Jail Release Iowa


The user is seeking advice for a person named Gary Willis who is still in jail in Pott County, Iowa, despite signing time served papers for a first offense marijuana charge. The jail administration claims they cant do anything about his release. The public defender assigned to the case isnt providing assistance. The user has been advised to file a complaint with the jail administration and the Iowa State Bar Association regarding the public defenders lack of assistance.

Full Conversation

Iowa. Pott county
What is the name of the person who is still in jail?
Gary willis
What is the exact charge against Gary Willis? This will help in understanding the situation better. In Iowa, there can be delays in release due to administrative processes or additional charges.
He's been in jail since August 22nd for a serious misdemeanor. * dollar bond on marijuana 1st offense charges. Friday they told him to sign his time served papers. They waited till a little bit before * to have him sign them.. so he knew he had to sit till Monday. Monday he never got released... it's Tuesday now and they still are not releasing him. They said because he's causing trouble they don't have to release him.. he's only asking why are they not releasing him yet because he was suppose to be released Monday if anything
Has Gary Willis had any disciplinary issues while in jail that could potentially delay his release?
Because he's was not being released on Monday he asked them and probably is upset because he's suppose to be out. They are making it difficult for him when all he wants is to get out like they told him on Friday he was getting released.
What is the name of the jail where Gary Willis is being held? This will help us to provide you with the appropriate contact information.
Pott county jail in council bluffs IA
What is the name of the judge who signed the time served papers? This information can help in contacting the right authority for clarification.
I don't have that information. He would have that as he is still on jail.
Do you have a lawyer representing Gary Willis? If not, it might be beneficial to hire one to expedite the process.
He has a public defender who isn't even helping him. That's why he's still in jail for a 1st offense
Has Gary Willis or his public defender filed a complaint about the delay in his release? In Iowa, if there's a delay in release, a complaint can be filed with the jail administration.
No because his public defender isn't even helping him
Has Gary Willis considered hiring a private attorney to expedite his release process? In Iowa, a private attorney might be more effective in such situations.
He doesn't have the money for that. He was going to fire him to get a different one but was told the process could be a month.
Has Gary Willis or anyone on his behalf contacted the Pott County Jail administration to inquire about the delay in his release?
Yes and all they said to me was well he's still has a bond of * . I said he signed time served papers. They said their was nothing they can do.
Has Gary Willis or his public defender filed a writ of habeas corpus? This is a legal action that requires a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court.
Not yet
What is the name of Gary Willis's public defender? This information can help in contacting the right authority for clarification.
I do not have that information neither
What is the case number for Gary Willis's charges? This could help in tracking the status of his case.
I wouldn't have that either. He has all of that while he is still in jail
What is the name of the person you have been in contact with at the Pott County Jail regarding Gary Willis's case?
It was a sheriff but I don't know which one and I only called once and figured they don't care if all they could say was we can't do nothing .. the system says he still here with a * bond
What is the exact date when Gary Willis signed his time served papers?
That's why I'm contacting you for what he will need to do when he finally gets out because obviously this is a violation of laws to hold someone that should be out already especially if papers are filed
What steps have been taken to address this issue with the court or the jail administration?
Friday at *:*
What is the name of the court where Gary Willis's case was heard?
Pott county court house in council bluffs Iowa
What is the exact charge against Gary Willis?
1st offense on marijuana classified as a serious misdemeanor * bond
What is the name of the public defender assigned to Gary Willis's case? This information can help in contacting the right authority for clarification.
I don't have that information
What is the name of the person you have been in contact with at the Pott County Jail regarding Gary Willis's case?
I don't have that info
What is the current status of Gary Willis's case according to the court records?
Times served and should be released Monday Sept 18th
What steps have been taken to address this issue with the court or the jail administration?
They won't give him any info besides he keeps being aggressive.. but anyone would of they are still in jail when they are suppose to be out already.
Has Gary Willis or his representative filed a complaint with the Iowa State Bar Association regarding his public defender's lack of assistance?
No but I can make a note to have that done
What is the name of the public defender assigned to Gary Willis's case? This information can be useful when filing a complaint with the Iowa State Bar Association.
I don't know but I will get that info
What is the current status of Gary Willis's case according to the court records?
Suppose to be released Monday Sept 18th. He's still in there
What is the current date today? It's important to know how many days have passed since the supposed release date.
Sept 19th
What is the name of the public defender assigned to Gary Willis's case? This information is crucial for filing a complaint with the Iowa State Bar Association regarding the lack of assistance.
I don't know but I'll get the info to him to look at that as well
What is the name of the judge who signed the time served papers? This information is crucial for filing a complaint. In Iowa, if there's a delay in release, a complaint can be filed with the jail administration.