Nevada Burglary Defense Strategies


The user is facing residential burglary charges in Nevada. They were arrested while claiming a vacant property for adverse possession. They had utilities in their name and keys to the property, but no written agreement or proof of permission to move in. They had not yet filed a claim for adverse possession or paid property taxes. They had not informed local authorities or potential heirs of their intentions. They had no legal advice prior to claiming the property. They intended to live in the property permanently and had no intention to commit a crime. They had documents proving the property was vacant, but these were taken by the police. Their case is pending and they have a public defender.

Full Conversation

I live in the state of nevada in Reno and was arrested on Burglary charges when i was claiming a property for Adverse Possession. The neighbor called the police saying i had broke into the home and was not suppose to be there. However, the home was marked as vacant / abandoned. The home was facing pre foreclosure and the owner passed away 3 months prior to my entry of the home. The power and water were already in my name, and I had keys to the home when being arrested. Also, the home was located in a gated community which my name was on the call box at the gate for access. I did however get scared and lied to the officer stating i was the owners niece and was checking on the home. Regardless of the poor judgement in telling the officer i was the niece of the home owner I had a right to the home as the owner had no will, never married or had any children. Recently the home went into probate and was just sold to an investor. The home at the time of my arrest did have the owners personal property in the home. However, my intent was to box the items up and hold them in the garage in case an heir came forwatd but nothing was removed from the home at the time of my arrest. What defense do I have?
Did you file a claim for adverse possession with the county recorder's office before your arrest?

In Nevada, adverse possession requires:
- Open and notorious possession
- Continuous use for 5 years
- Payment of taxes during that period
- A claim of ownership
Unfortunately, no because i had just aquired the home and had not fully moved into the home yet. I was actually moving in during the time i was arrested.
Did you have any written agreement or proof that you were allowed to move into the property? In Nevada, having proof can help establish a defense against burglary charges.
No written agreement or proof other than the power and water bill in my name and the callbox displaying my name for access to the community through the front gate.
Did you inform any local authorities or the deceased owner's relatives about your intention to claim the property through adverse possession?
I had not because there was no will recorded with the county and I was able to find that the owner had never married and never had any children and I also thought i had to have full possession of the home meaning i had moved into the home first prior to doibg those claims and since i was in the process of moving in when i was arrested
Did you pay any property taxes during your time of possession? In Nevada, payment of property taxes for a continuous period of 5 years is a requirement for adverse possession.
No because i was still in the process of moving in I said and the taxes were not due until 2 months later. In order for me to claim adverse possession i need to have full control of the propert which i was in the process of moving my belongings in at the time i was arrested.
Did you have any legal advice or guidance when you decided to claim the property through adverse possession?
Did you have any witnesses or any form of evidence that could support your claim of adverse possession?
I have copies of the power and the water in my name and as well as proof my name was listed on the call box as a resident of the home allowing access through the front community gate.
Did you make any improvements or changes to the property that could support your claim of adverse possession?
The only thing i had done since i was just beginning the process of moving in was there was a damaged tree in the front yard from heavy snow fall and I had removed the broken limbs of the tree that was blocking the front door walk way. I also turned the water on in order to not get water pipe damage.
Did you have any communication with the deceased owner's relatives or any potential heirs about your intention to claim the property?
Did you have any legal advice or guidance when you decided to claim the property through adverse possession?
Did you have any legal advice or guidance when you decided to claim the property through adverse possession?
No you just asked that
Did you take any steps to find out if the deceased owner had any relatives or heirs who might have a claim to the property?
Yes I researched if there was a will for the deceased owner which they did not have a will.
Did you make any attempt to contact the deceased owner's relatives or any potential heirs after your research about the will?
No you already asked that
Did you have any legal representation during your arrest or subsequent court proceedings?
Just a public defender
What advice has your public defender given you regarding your case?
They didnt give me any advise other than they dont think adverse possession would be a valid defense but thats the truth and thats the only defense.
Did you inform the local authorities about your intention to claim the property through adverse possession after you moved in?
I had not fully moved in yet
Did you have any intention to commit a crime when you entered the property?
Absolutely not!
Did you take any steps to secure the property, such as changing locks or installing security systems, to demonstrate your intent of possession?
Yes i had the keys to the property when i was arrested and the keys to the property were given to the officers.
Did you have any intention to remove or dispose of the deceased owner's personal property that was in the house at the time of your arrest?
No but i was going to box the items up and leave them in the garage in case someone came forward claiming to be an heir.
Did you inform the police or any other authority about your plans to box up the deceased owner's items and keep them in the garage?
Did you have any intention to sell or rent the property, or was your goal to live there permanently?
Goal to live there permanently.
Did you have any documentation or evidence to prove that the property was vacant or abandoned when you moved in?
Yes the officers took those documents from me ane they were not given back to me when i was released from the jail
What were the documents that the officers took from you?
Notice of vacant/ abandoned property as well as the notice of default and notice that the home was in pre foreclosure stating that the home would be sold at auction if it did not correct the default within 90 days.
Did you have any legal advice or guidance when you decided to claim the property through adverse possession?
What was the exact charge you were arrested for?
Residential Burglary
Residential Burglary
What was the outcome of your case in court?
No outcome yet i am going to my preliminary hearing this afternoon and plead not guilty
What is the name of your public defender?
What is the contact information of your public defender, RITA GREGGIO?
As a legal information provider, we need to ensure we're providing accurate and relevant information. Knowing your public defender's contact can help us understand your case better.
What is the date of your arrest? This is important to understand the timeline of your case.
What is the date of your preliminary hearing?
Did you have any legal advice or guidance when you decided to claim the property through adverse possession?
Answer: No

Based on your situation, it's crucial to consult with a legal professional. Adverse possession is complex and requires meeting specific criteria.
No i did not
What is the current status of your case?
Pending, there has been no disposition yet.
Pending case
What is the date of your next court hearing?
August *, *
What is the name of the court where your hearing is scheduled?
Reno Justice Court
Reno justice court
Reno Justice
Reno Justice Court
What is the exact time of your hearing at Reno Justice Court today?

Reno Justice Court:
* S Sierra St, Reno, NV *, USA
Phone: +* *-*-*
What is the name of the judge presiding over your case at Reno Justice Court?
Ryan Sullivan
What is the exact charge against you in your case presided by Judge Ryan Sullivan at Reno Justice Court?
Residential Burglary
What is the potential penalty for a residential burglary charge in Nevada?
In Nevada, residential burglary is a category B felony. Penalties can include:

- * to 10 years in prison
- A fine up to $*,*
- Both
Okay what defense do i have based on the details you have gathered
Based on the details provided, you could potentially argue:

- Lack of intent to commit a crime
- Claim of right defense due to adverse possession attempt

However, it's crucial to consult with your public defender or a legal professional for personalized advice.