Minor Alcohol Distribution Consequences


In Indiana, its illegal for minors to provide alcohol to other minors, punishable by fines and jail time. If it results in a DUI, penalties increase. Convictions can occur based on credible witness testimony, even without hard evidence. Always consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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What happens if a minor gives alcohol to another minor, resulting in a dui
Hello ****, I would need to know your location to provide accurate legal information. Could you please provide that?
In Indiana:
- It's unlawful for a minor to provide alcohol to another minor.
- Violation is a Class C misdemeanor, leading to fines up to $*, jail up to 60 days.
- If it results in a DUI, penalties increase, possibly leading to a Class B misdemeanor.
Always consult a local attorney for personalized advice.
What if they have no proof
In Indiana, if there's no proof or evidence to substantiate the allegations, the person accused may not be convicted. However, the final decision rests with the court. Always consult a local attorney for personalized advice.
So if it was paid in cash, do they have any other proof other than word of mouth?
In Indiana, evidence can include eyewitness testimony, surveillance footage, receipts, etc. Word of mouth can be considered, but it needs to be credible. It's important to consult a local attorney for personalized advice.
Is that enough to convict someone?
In Indiana, word of mouth or testimonial evidence can be used in court and may be enough to convict someone. However, the credibility and reliability of the testimonies are considered. It's advised to consult a local attorney for personalized advice.
Without hard evidence?
In Indiana, a conviction can occur based on credible witness testimony, even without hard evidence. However, the decision is ultimately up to the court's interpretation of the credibility and strength of the testimony. Always consult a local attorney for personalized advice.