The user is currently on county probation in Tennessee for a DUI offense and is facing state probation in Kentucky for meth possession. They are unsure if the state probation will supersede the county probation. The user has violated their current probation by failing a drug test and is considering entering a halfway house. The terms of their probation in both states are unclear.Full Conversation
I am on county probation in tn and I am gonna be put on state probation in kentucky does the state probation take over so i would only have * probation?The state probation in kentucky is for possession of meth, I do not have any other felonies but I've been told that more than likely I'll be put on state probation, but I am also on county probation for a due 1st offense. I have been told that those who are on state probation no longer deal qith county probation due to every time you get in trouble it goes straight to big court...
What are the terms of your county probation in Tennessee? This information can help determine if your state probation in Kentucky would supersede it.
What do you mean
By terms, I mean the specific conditions or rules you must follow as part of your county probation in Tennessee.
Its just take * drug tests , do a couple classes its for a 1st offense dui....but i also just pissed dirty today and i am gonna try to get into a halfway house..i just wasnt sure if what i was being told was true or not
What are the terms of your upcoming state probation in Kentucky?
Idk i havent gotten put on it yet .....
What is the nature of your upcoming court hearing in Kentucky?
Possesion of meth i think they said it was * grams or less
What is the exact location of your upcoming court hearing in Kentucky?
Allen County
What is the date of your upcoming court hearing in Allen County, Kentucky?
General Information:
- Probation terms vary by case and jurisdiction.
- Violating probation can lead to severe consequences.
- Allen County Judicial Center: * W Main St, Scottsville, KY *, Phone: (*) *-*.
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What is the name of your probation officer in Tennessee?
General Information:
- Probation terms are set by the court.
- Allen County Judicial Center: * W Main St, Scottsville, KY *, Phone: (*) *-*.
Jessica something in cannon county
What is the full name of your probation officer, Jessica, in Cannon County, Tennessee?
General Information:
- Cannon County Probation Office: * W Main St, Woodbury, TN *, Phone: (*) *-*.