Unlawful Imprisonment In Ny


The situation described could potentially be considered Unlawful Imprisonment under NY Penal Law 135 if youre being prevented from leaving. Coercion might also apply if youre being forced to do something against your will. Kidnapping typically involves physically moving a person against their will. For a definitive evaluation, contact local authorities or a legal professional.

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Someone is preventing me from leaving my home on purpose by putting parental controls on my phone without my consent that blocks calling and messaging and social media contacting and I can't contact anyone for a place to stay it's blocking anyone from answering me . I don't live with them I'm * it's my birth fatha who lost custody and abused me and hes tryna force me to live with my abusive birth motha who left mes home who I'm crashing with temporarily. I wanna leave and can't because I can't get in contact with someone for a place to stay. Is this kidnapping, false imprisonment and or confinement
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. The actions you've described could potentially be considered as forms of harassment or unlawful restraint. However, this largely depends on your local laws. Could you please tell me which state you're in so I can provide more accurate information?
Hello ****, based on your location in New York:
- Unlawful Imprisonment is defined under Penal Law *, with two degrees.
- Coercion could fall under Penal Law *.* or *.*, depending on severity.
- Non-parental control over phone could be a form of Harassment.
Please reach out to local authorities or a legal professional for help.
So is it kidnapping coercion or unlawful imprisonment
Based on your situation and NY laws:
- It could be considered Unlawful Imprisonment if you're physically restrained.
- It might be Coercion if you're being forced to do something against your will.
- Kidnapping typically involves physically moving a person against their will.
Remember, this is general info. Please contact local authorities.
Is what I told you imprisonment
Based on the information you've provided and under NY laws, this could potentially be considered Unlawful Imprisonment since you're being prevented from leaving. However, a legal professional or authority can provide a more accurate evaluation.
Is it kidnapping
According to NY Penal Law *, Kidnapping involves physically moving a person against their will. If you're not being physically moved, then it might not be considered kidnapping. However, only a legal professional or authority can make a definitive evaluation. Please contact local authorities.
But he's forcing me to stay somewhere
****, are you being physically relocated against your will or just prevented from leaving? This distinction is crucial under NY law. However, it's important to contact local authorities or a legal professional for a definitive evaluation.
Prevented from leaving but if someone kidnaps you they don't have to move you
Under NY Penal Law *, Kidnapping does involve confinement, but usually in conjunction with forcibly moving someone. You're describing more of an Unlawful Imprisonment situation. However, please reach out to local authorities or a legal professional for a definitive evaluation.