Underage Alcohol Possession Consequences


Underage possession of alcohol, even if the container is sealed, is illegal in both Georgia and Illinois. In Illinois, its a Class A misdemeanor with potential fines up to $2,500 and/or up to one year in jail. Additionally, the drivers license could be suspended. Houses can be condemned due to excessive yard waste and trash if it poses a health or safety hazard, violates local ordinances, or if the owner failed to comply with prior cleanup orders. The local Department of Public Health or Code Enforcement Office usually has the authority to impose the sanction of condemning a house. Someone can be arrested for a Class C misdemeanor in Illinois, which can involve fines up to $1,500 and/or up to 30 days in jail. The ILCS Statute Criminal Offense Code for underage possession of alcohol in Illinois is 235 ILCS 5/6-20.

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My 17 year old son posted a picture of him driving around last night while holding a sealed beer can
Under Georgia law, it's illegal for someone under the age of * to possess alcohol. This includes sealed containers. Your son could face penalties if reported. It's advisable to discourage such behavior.
can he be charged with a crime in illinois?
Yes, Illinois law also prohibits underage possession of alcohol, including sealed containers. If reported, your son could potentially face charges. It's important to understand the laws and discourage such behavior.
Ok, what exactly is the charge in Illinois?
In Illinois, underage possession of alcohol is a Class A misdemeanor. Consequences can include fines up to $*,* and/or up to one year in jail. Additionally, his driver's license could be suspended.
Ok so even though it was sealed, he can still be charged iwth possession?
Yes, even if the alcohol container is sealed, underage possession is still considered illegal. The law generally does not differentiate between open and sealed containers in these situations.
Ok thank you
You're welcome, Kevin. If you have any further questions or need additional information regarding this matter or any other legal issue, feel free to ask.
Can he be charged if the police dont find out until the next day?
Yes, time does not nullify the offense. If the police are notified and have evidence of the offense, like the photo, your son could potentially be charged, even if they find out the next day.
ok thank you so much
You're welcome, Kevin. Remember, it's essential to help your son understand the legal consequences of his actions. If you have further questions, don't hesitate to ask.
One more question
Of course, Kevin. I'm here to help. What's your next question?
How can a house be condemned due to the yard waste and trash in the yeard?
In Georgia, a house can be condemned due to excessive yard waste and trash if:
- It poses a significant health or safety hazard.
- It's in violation of local ordinances.
- The owner failed to comply with prior cleanup orders.
It's best to check with your local code enforcement office for specifics.
In Georgia, local health departments or code enforcement can condemn a property for various reasons, including excessive garbage or yard waste. They typically follow this process:
- Notice of violation is issued to the property owner.
- The owner has a set time to rectify the situation.
- If not rectified, the property may be condemned.
Each county may have different specifics, so it's best to contact your local authority.
What about in illinois?
In Illinois, a house can be condemned due to excessive yard waste and trash if:
- It's considered a health or safety hazard.
- It's in violation of local health codes or zoning laws.
- The owner has failed to comply with previous orders to clean up.
Best to contact your local health department or code enforcement for specifics.
Do you know what department would impose the sanction of the house being condemed?
In both Georgia and Illinois, the local Department of Public Health or Code Enforcement Office usually has the authority to impose the sanction of condemning a house due to violations like excessive yard waste and trash.
Ok thanks
You're welcome, Kevin! If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help.
One more question
Of course, Kevin. What's your next question?
Can someone in Illinois be arrested for a Class C Misdeamonor?
Yes, in Illinois, someone can be arrested for a Class C misdemeanor, which is viewed as a less serious offense. Consequences can involve fines up to $*,* and/or up to 30 days in jail.
Ok going back to my son, what exactly would the ILCS Statute Criminal Offense Code be?
The ILCS Statute Criminal Offense Code for underage possession of alcohol in Illinois is * ILCS */*-*. However, specific codes can vary depending on the exact circumstances.
ALright thanks!!
You're welcome, Kevin! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. We're here to help.
HAve a great day
You're welcome, Kevin! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions in the future. Have a great day!
I'm glad to see you're enthusiastic! Is there anything else you need assistance with, Kevin?
No, just wwanted to give you a WOO HOO LOL
I'm glad you're satisfied with the information provided, Kevin! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions in the future. Have a fantastic day!