Student Resident Relationship Concerns


If all parties involved were above the age of consent (16 in Massachusetts) and consented, its generally not illegal. However, check your universitys policies on staff-student relationships for potential professional misconduct. Consult a local attorney for specific guidance.

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I’m an older University student (30M) working as a resident advisor in a freshman dorm hall. I just moved out of my home state, trying to finish my degree, along with starting a new life. I was terrified of being ridiculed about my age, so I decided to tell everyone I was five years younger. I want to note that I constantly get that I look like I’m between the ages of *-*. Since September, I’ve hooked up with at least three residents (not my direct residents) in my building (ages *-*). I did not persuade them, nor manipulate them into doing anything. I want to note, that I made sure they were comfortable with whatever sexual act we were doing, never forced anything, kept reassuring them we could stop if they ever got uncomfortable, etc. When I was asked about my age, due to a rumor they heard of me being older…I froze and lied. Now, after reflecting on that and my entire year, not only do I feel extreme guilt, embarrassment and disgust…I’m very paranoid about any legal ratifications that may transpire due to me being immature, hormonal and not thinking clearly. I feel horrible and I’m a bit scared…do I have anything to worry about, legally?
Hello ****, I understand your concern. Could you please let me know your current location? The laws regarding consent and age of majority can vary by jurisdiction.
Hello ****, based on the details you've provided and considering Massachusetts law:
- Consent is key: If all parties were above * (age of consent in Massachusetts) and consented, it's generally not considered illegal.
- Age misrepresentation isn't typically a criminal offense unless used for fraud or other criminal activities.
- Professional misconduct: Check your university's policies. They may have rules about student-staff relationships.
Can you clarify “generally not considered illegal”?
"Generally not considered illegal" means that in most cases, if all parties involved were above the age of consent and agreed to the act, it's not deemed illegal. However, specific circumstances or additional laws could potentially change this.
So I don’t have anything to worry about legally?
Based on the information provided and Massachusetts law, it's likely you have no legal issues regarding consent. However, you should review your University's policies on staff-student relationships, as potential professional misconduct could arise. This is general advice, please consult with a local attorney for more specific guidance.