Forgery And Debt Collection


User from Indiana was sued for a loan he didnt receive because his ex-wife allegedly forged his signature on the check. He was unable to pay the monetary damages imposed by the court due to financial constraints from his divorce. He claims his ex-wife also forged his signature on various financial documents, leading to unauthorized access to his accounts and assets. He reported these incidents to the police and financial institutions, but no action was taken. He is seeking help to dispute the monetary damages and report the alleged forgery.

Full Conversation

Friend loaned me money,no contract or payment plan. Wife now ex stole the check and forged my signature and kept the money. I was sued and court added * times amount in monetary damages.because of divorce i couldnt pay and court would not see the forgery
What state are you located in, ****? Different states have different laws regarding forgery and debt collection.
What evidence do you have to prove that your ex-wife forged your signature? In Indiana, forgery is a felony and can lead to imprisonment and fines.
Planiff has a check with my signature and check with forged signature
What steps have you taken so far to report the forgery to law enforcement authorities?

In Indiana, forgery is a Level * felony, punishable by 6 months to *.5 years imprisonment and fines up to $*,*.
Law enforcement willnot do anything , nor will prosecutors office
What reasons did law enforcement and the prosecutor's office give for not taking action?

In Indiana, you can appeal a court decision if you believe it was unjust.
They didnt
What steps have you taken to appeal the court's decision? In Indiana, you have 30 days to file an appeal after the final judgment.
I have no money left after divorce trial,where the same lawless court took e erything except the clothes i was wearing $750k is ab i ut what i lost
Have you considered applying for legal aid or pro bono services to help with your appeal? In Indiana, Indiana Legal Services might be able to assist.
I dont know anything about that
In Indiana, you can apply for legal aid through Indiana Legal Services. Would you like assistance in applying for this service?
Will they work for divorce attorney didnt
What specific issues did you face with your previous attorney? This will help us understand how to better assist you.
I found out after the fact that all he did was file continuous motions and a contempt that i still dont know for what that cost me $20k
What actions did your attorney take to address the forgery issue in court?
What is the name of the court where your case was heard? This information will help us provide you with the contact details of the court.
Orange county circuit court ,paoli in
What is the case number for your lawsuit?

Orange County Circuit Court, Paoli, IN Contact Details:
- Address: * E Main St, Paoli, IN *, United States
- Phone: +* *-*-*
I dont have it with me, lawsuit i didnt have a attorney i meant divorce where my attorney cheated me. The lawsuit and divorce is tied together. The truth is my ex attorney and a superior court judge is behind all of this lawless rulings
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Have you reported your attorney's conduct to the Indiana State Bar Association? They can investigate allegations of attorney misconduct.
No i havent
You should consider reporting your attorney's conduct to the Indiana State Bar Association. They can investigate allegations of misconduct.
One attorney that was retiring said this was crazy how they did me in court
What specific actions did the retiring attorney suggest you take regarding your situation?
I it legal to award monetary damages in a case like mine
What was the reason given by the court for awarding the monetary damages?

In general, courts can award monetary damages in civil cases, including those involving debt. The amount can vary based on the specifics of the case.
They didnt give me one it never was discussed
What is the name of the judge who presided over your case?
Larry medlock special judge from salem indiana circuit court. He refused my motion to step down he was placed not selected
What was the basis of your motion for Judge Larry Medlock to step down?
My one attorney was in law practice with the judge. He yelled at me across the court room telling me i was going to jail,didnot tell me what for ten days later after getting out of jail i found out. Contempt
What was the reason given for the contempt charge? In Indiana, contempt of court can result from disruptive behavior, failure to obey court orders, or disrespectful language.
He didnt just said he didnt want to get involved and for me to be careful because of the amount of money and crimes committed against me
First it was just contempt i had proved i didnot committ contempt, then it was change to direct contempt
What was the specific act or behavior that led to the charge of direct contempt?
There was none,he was looking for a reason to put me in jail.i was never in contempt.he appointed me a attorney who was my judge in another court on invasion charge that was flase
What was the outcome of the invasion charge case where your appointed attorney was the judge?
At the last they charged me with * counts ,90 days in jail and $60k bond . Because i would not take a plea deal
What were the * counts you were charged with?
What were the circumstances surrounding the invasion charges?
Suppose to have been notes i had wrote my wife after a no contact order was placed on me
What evidence was presented in court regarding these alleged notes?
What steps have you taken to challenge the no-contact order and the invasion charges?
None, dont have the knowledge or money.
What was the outcome of the invasion charges case?
Judge placed the brady law against me and one year suspended with time served plus $* fine
What is the Brady Law that was placed against you?
I am not allowed to own or be around firearms
What were the specific reasons given by the judge for applying the Brady Law in your case?
After i signed the plea he placed brady law on me
What were the terms of the plea agreement you signed?
One year probation and $* fine
What were the specific conditions of your probation as outlined in the plea agreement?
Not sure
What were the terms of the no-contact order placed against you?
Stay a mile from my home and ex
What is the duration of the no-contact order? In Indiana, a no-contact order can last up to 2 years, but the duration can be extended by the court.
Its over now was 2 year ,then the 2nd one for 2 years
What were the terms of the second no-contact order?
Same, they used that one to sell all my equiment,tools materials where i was a electrical contractor
What evidence do you have to prove that your equipment, tools, and materials were sold without your consent?
A divorce decree that the court wont hear
What specific details were outlined in the divorce decree regarding the division of property and assets?
That all the equiment,materials,tool trailers ,vehicles ,tools were awarded to me. The 2nd judge vacated the court order and took my vehicle s
What was the reason given by the second judge for vacating the court order and taking your vehicles?
To pay school loans for my sons that i had already paid
What evidence do you have to show that you had already paid your sons' school loans?
Probably none,b I t also no money from my vehicles went to pay school loans i do have that because one son is paying some of his
What steps have you taken to dispute the judge's decision to use the proceeds from your vehicles to pay your sons' school loans?
Well i have been to jail around * times everytime i go to find out or do something i go to jail
What specific actions led to your repeated jail time?
Invasion,fta,fta contempt.even the county clerk signed one warrant
What were the specific reasons given for the invasion, failure to appear (FTA), and contempt charges that led to your repeated jail time?
They changed hearing time from * * p m to * * am i hadnt never be in a court prosecutor ask me if i had mediation and told me to go dont worry about hearing but never told me to s ign a pink slip
What was the pink slip for and why was it important for you to sign it?
Had date and time for next hearing
What was the outcome of the hearing that you missed due to the change in time?
Fta but was dropped
What steps have you taken since the FTA charge was dropped?
What is your current legal status and what are you seeking help for at this moment?
Trying to not pay $20k in monetary damages. They dont want me to have money to hire a attorney. My sister passed away leaving my half. This is a small town there trying took take my part of sister estate
What is the current status of your sister's estate and have you taken any steps to claim your share?
Its in probate and waiting on home to sell
What steps have you taken to protect your inheritance from being used to pay the monetary damages? In Indiana, certain assets can be protected from creditors under the state's exemption laws.
What is the total value of your sister's estate and your share in it?
What steps have you taken to dispute the monetary damages imposed by the court?
None, just that the check was forged and i should not be liable
Have you considered hiring a forensic handwriting expert to validate your claim of forgery? This could potentially help your case.
My hand writing and ex in like night and day
What steps have you taken to present this difference in handwriting as evidence in court?
They have both with the * checks
What was the court's response when you presented the two checks as evidence of the forgery?
What was the court's response when you presented the two checks as evidence of the forgery?
Attorney said her name is nowhere on the check, and i said debt in divorce in indiana is */* ludge make ruling elsewhere than courtroom
What evidence do you have to prove that the judge made rulings outside of the courtroom?
They took * ite
What were the two items that were taken?
* items on decree that they remove
What were the two items mentioned in the decree that were removed?
Without a hearing. Life ins policy and a on deck captial account that over $ * k was taken and my signature forged of online signature.
What steps have you taken to report the forgery of your online signature and the unauthorized access to your life insurance policy and OnDeck Capital account?
No money and law enforcement will not do anything. By the way the life ins policy was aqquured on myself wirhout out me knowning and tried to collect in * when wife then posioned me. Cops wont do anything about it
What evidence do you have to prove that your life insurance policy was acquired without your knowledge and that your ex-wife attempted to collect it in *?
I didnot have a life ins policy,the very reason they they removed the * from decree because i found out about both
What steps have you taken to report the unauthorized acquisition of the life insurance policy and the alleged poisoning incident to the authorities?
Theres no one around here will do anything. They also stole my ibew pension
What evidence do you have to prove that your IBEW pension was stolen?
By laws says you must turn your retirement paperwork in person to the local union hall I.O i wasnt at unionhall and wasnt retired
What steps have you taken to report the unauthorized access to your IBEW pension to the union and law enforcement authorities?
There is no one that will do anything because of the judge and what there involved in
What evidence do you have to support your claim that the judge and others are involved in the unauthorized access to your IBEW pension?
I dont for judge be once again my wife forging my signature,then setting up a account with edward ****,where she is a F A using there notary seal and forging to notary signature
What evidence do you have to prove that your ex-wife forged your signature and set up an account with Edward Jones using a forged notary seal and signature?
Account paperwork faxed to me from edward ****
What steps have you taken to report the alleged forgery and unauthorized account setup to Edward Jones and law enforcement authorities?
They willnot do anything. I even called f b i they hung up on me
What specific information was included in the account paperwork that Edward Jones faxed to you?
Shows my signature forged and notary forged on i r a account. A rollover
What steps have you taken to report the forgery of your signature and the notary's signature on the IRA account documents to the appropriate authorities?
None, i would give you half of what you can recover.they took .y home that was paid for in *, wife mortage the home by getting * loans fro. Bank
What evidence do you have to prove that your ex-wife mortgaged your home without your consent?
Again forging my signature and notary. Bank allowed he to take loan appps home
What steps have you taken to report the alleged forgery and unauthorized mortgage to the bank and law enforcement authorities?
I tried no one will even listen. They all know whos involved
What evidence do you have to prove that your ex-wife forged your signature on the mortgage documents?
The loan apps
What steps have you taken to report the alleged forgery on the loan applications to the bank and law enforcement authorities?
I contact the indiana state police one from bloomington post just lied and played me did nothing. Same at jusper post
What specific actions did the Indiana State Police take when you reported the alleged forgery?
What specific information did you provide to the Indiana State Police when you reported the alleged forgery?
All i had they wouldnt give it back so i had to get it all over again.cop told me he would file harrassment on me when i ask him how a night time patrolman could investagate a white collar crime
I gave them the ira account, the ibew paper work ,bank forgery paperwork
I gave the police all evidence that i had
What was the police's response after you provided them with all the evidence?
There wasnt any. Same when post office gave ex or ex attorney a key to me box, then stole court documents and2 debit cards
What steps have you taken to report the theft of your court documents and debit cards from your post box to the post office and law enforcement authorities?
The bank caught ex on line where she hacked my account ready to drain it but bank shut it down
What steps have you taken to report this hacking incident to the law enforcement authorities? In Indiana, unauthorized access to someone else's financial account is considered a crime and can lead to serious penalties.
State ploice. Nothing done about it
I reported to state police, but they did nothing
Police did nothing
No i cant
Were done here i guess. * *. * if you want to contact me email 9charlie7@
What steps have you taken to report the alleged forgery and unauthorized access to your accounts to the financial institutions involved?
The manger was the one that caught her
What actions did the bank manager take after catching your ex-wife?
What steps have you taken to report the bank manager's inaction to higher authorities or the bank's corporate office?
What steps have you taken to protect your rights and assets since these incidents occurred?

In Indiana, you can report attorney misconduct to the Indiana Supreme Court Disciplinary Commission. You can also appeal court decisions if you believe they were unjust.
I dont have money right now, and doesnt seem i can hire attorney around this area
What steps have you taken to report the alleged forgery and unauthorized access to your accounts to the financial institutions involved?
Based on your situation, it's crucial to report the alleged forgery to the financial institutions involved. They have fraud departments that can investigate these matters.