Unlawful Search And Seizure


The situation involves potential unlawful search and seizure, as the police searched your car and phone without providing documentation or a property receipt. They claimed to have found a piece of broken glass, suggesting it was a crack pipe, which they used to justify their actions. Its important to understand your rights in such cases, and consulting with a local criminal defense attorney can provide guidance. Consider discussing the lack of documentation and the searchs legality with a legal professional to explore your options.

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Criminal law i had some incidents happen the last couple dqys
Got it. Could you provide a bit more detail about the incidents that occurred? This will help me give you the most relevant information.
Two people that i know were arrested on charges and took to jail. They implicated me by saying i was with them and told them about that place they burgularized which i didnt. Going into the next day the investigating cop reached out to another person they lied about to and him and i both told that cop we werent involved and we wxpressed we were done talking to him. 2 days go by and im pulled over for a routine traffic violation, the investigating cop that we talked to intervened in the traffic stop as i was told to step out the car that officer went strzight for my car with his k9 and started doing a search. The officer then took my phone into his possession and said he was taking it.
Case Rating: *
It sounds like a potentially serious situation involving potential unlawful search and seizure. Would you like to be connected to local lawyers who can better assist you with your case?
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Went on to say if hes abke to get a search warrant they will going into the phone and if not able to obtain one he would return it. Called two days later to ask if they obtained one and they said they already went through it and since they found a little piece ofbroken glass they they used that to say it was a crack pipe and that gave basis to be able to do everything they did. I was never given any documentation or property receipt. Its been almost two wee,s and nothing hascome of any of it
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Went on to say if hes abke to get a search warrant they will going into the phone and if not able to obtain one he would return it. Called two days later to ask if they obtained one and they said they already went through it and since they found a little piece ofbroken glass they they used that to say it was a crack pipe and that gave basis to be able to do everything they did. I was never given any documentation or property receipt. Its been almost two wee,s and nothing hascome of any of it
Case Rating: *
It sounds like a potentially serious issue involving unlawful search and seizure, and you might benefit from connecting with local lawyers who can better assist you with your case. Would you like to be connected to local lawyers who can better assist you with your case?
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Yes connect me
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Yes Herbert Turley
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Would you like to be connected to local lawyers who can better assist you with your case? If so, I will need a bit more information. Let's start with your phone number.
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Thank you for all the details. We will have a top rated lawyer in your area contact you shortly. For your records below is the information I gathered
Name: Herbert Turley
Email: 5743363826none@none.com
Phone: *
Zipcode: *
Reason: Unlawful search and seizure, implicated in burglary by others, phone taken and searched without documentation or property receipt.
From: FreeLawChatAi
Is there anything else I can help you with?
Case Rating: *
Hi Herbert, given the details you provided, your situation does seem quite serious, especially concerning potential unlawful search and seizure. Since you've already agreed to get connected with a local lawyer, a top-rated attorney in your area will contact you soon. If you need any further assistance or have additional questions in the meantime, feel free to reach out!