Home Detention Violation Consequences


The user is facing a home detention violation in Indiana due to a failed drug screen for methamphetamine. Violation of home detention rules in Indiana can lead to serious consequences, including revocation of the home detention order and imposition of the original sentence. Its crucial for the user to consult with a lawyer.

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I am on home detention and they filed a violation with the courts yesterday and a warrant was issued for my arrest today.
What was the violation for which they issued the warrant?
They are saying that I was non compliant.
What specific terms of your home detention were you allegedly non-compliant with?
I failed a drug screen and they wanted me to
What state are you located in? The rules for home detention violations can vary by location.
Wanted me to do inpatient treatment but I have been waiting for a bed to become available.
What state are you located in? This information will help me provide the most accurate legal information for your situation.
What substance did you test positive for in the drug screen?

In Indiana, violation of home detention rules can lead to revocation of the home detention order and imposition of the original sentence.
What substance did you test positive for in the drug screen?
In Indiana, methamphetamine possession can lead to serious penalties, including imprisonment and fines. It's crucial to consult with a lawyer. Marion County Superior Court: (*) *-*.