Expunging Old Robbery Charge


To expunge a 25-year-old armed robbery charge in Mississippi, file a petition in the court where the arrest occurred. Attend a hearing, and if successful, the record will be sealed or deleted. Consult a local attorney for detailed guidance.

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I've got a problem with a crime that I was arrested of it was an arm robbery charge that happened 25 years ago I've never went to court are been convicted of it but it's still showing up on my ncic report wandering if you could tell me what I can do about it it's stopping me from getting a job
Hello ****, I understand your concern. It seems you need to pursue an 'expungement' which can clear your record. The process varies by state:
- File a petition for expungement in the court where the arrest occurred.
- Attend a hearing.
- If successful, the record will be sealed or deleted.
Can you provide your current location so I can give more specific information?
Booneville Mississippi *
Hello ****, in Mississippi, for an expungement:
- You need to file a petition in the court where the arrest occurred.
- A hearing will be held.
- If successful, your record will be sealed or deleted.

Please consult a local attorney for assistance.