Wrongful Conviction Compensation Guide


Individuals wrongly convicted in North Carolina can seek compensation under North Carolina General Statute § 148-82. The North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission can assist in these cases. The amount of compensation is determined by the state.

Full Conversation

Who can help me get compensation for being wrongly imprisonment, wrongly arrested, wrongly convicted
What state did this occur in? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information.
North Carolina
Did you have legal representation during your trial?
In North Carolina, you can file a claim under the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission if you were wrongly convicted.
What was the outcome of your trial?
In North Carolina, you can file a claim under the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission if you were wrongly convicted.
Federal court found me guilty in a dismissed case by state court
What was the reason for your case being dismissed by the state court?
In North Carolina, you can file a claim under the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission if you were wrongly convicted.
No consent to search
What evidence was presented in the federal court that led to your conviction?
What is the contact information to the North Carolina innocence inquiry commission

North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Creedmoor Rd, Raleigh, NC *
Website: www.innocencecommission-nc.gov
Do the North Carolina innocence inquiry commission compensation people for wrongly imprisonment
Yes, under North Carolina General Statute § *-*, individuals who are wrongly convicted may be eligible for compensation. The amount is determined by the state.
Do the North Carolina innocence inquiry commission compensation people for being wrongly imprisonment
Yes, under North Carolina General Statute § *-*, individuals who are wrongly convicted may be eligible for compensation. The amount is determined by the state.