Wrongful Conviction Compensation Eligibility


The user was wrongfully convicted for possession of a firearm by a felon. The conviction was dismissed due to an unlawful search. The user served 5 months in prison and is seeking compensation under the North Carolina Industrial Commission Wrongful Convictions Act. The user was informed that a pardon of innocence is required for compensation under the act. The user was also advised to consult with a lawyer and consider filing a civil lawsuit for wrongful imprisonment and false arrest. Legal Aid of North Carolina was suggested as a potential source of free or low-cost legal services.

Full Conversation

What you mean
Exoneration means being officially cleared from the wrongful conviction. Have you been officially cleared of the charges that led to your wrongful conviction?
Yes State Court dismissed my case
That's good to hear. Have you already applied for compensation under the North Carolina Industrial Commission Wrongful Convictions Act?
Not yet
What is the nature of your conviction and when was your case dismissed?
Possession of a Firearm By a Felon and the case was dismissed August * *
What is the reason for your conviction being dismissed? This can impact your eligibility for compensation under the North Carolina Industrial Commission Wrongful Convictions Act.
No consent to search
What was the duration of your imprisonment before the case was dismissed?
What you mean by impact
By "impact", I mean how your conviction and its dismissal could affect your eligibility for compensation under the North Carolina Industrial Commission Wrongful Convictions Act.
How is that
The nature and circumstances of your conviction and exoneration can affect your eligibility for compensation. Have you consulted with a lawyer about your case?
You saying I want be able to get compensation
What was the duration of your imprisonment before the case was dismissed?
What you mean
By "duration of imprisonment", I mean how long were you in jail before your case was dismissed?
5 months
What was the reason for your conviction being dismissed?
No consent to search
What was the outcome of the "no consent to search" issue in court?
What you mean
By "outcome", I mean how did the court rule on the "no consent to search" issue? Did they agree that the search was unlawful?
State Court agree that the search was unlawful
What was the exact ruling of the court regarding the unlawful search?
State Court dismissed my case in open Court
What was the exact wording of the court's dismissal of your case?
To be eligible for compensation under the North Carolina Industrial Commission Wrongful Convictions Act, you must have received a pardon of innocence. Have you applied for a pardon?
I done served the time and been released without a pardon
What was the duration of your imprisonment before your case was dismissed?
What you mean
By "duration of imprisonment", I mean how long were you in jail before your case was dismissed?
5 months
Have you considered applying for a pardon of innocence? This is a requirement for compensation under the North Carolina Industrial Commission Wrongful Convictions Act.
I'm not in prison I'm on the street
Have you consulted with a lawyer about applying for a pardon of innocence? This could potentially help you in receiving compensation under the North Carolina Industrial Commission Wrongful Convictions Act.
I can't apply for a pardon I'm not in prison
In North Carolina, you don't have to be in prison to apply for a pardon. Have you consulted with a lawyer about this?
It's advisable to consult with a lawyer about applying for a pardon of innocence. This could potentially help you receive compensation under the North Carolina Industrial Commission Wrongful Convictions Act.
Who else can provide me with compensation for wrongful imprisonment and false arrest
Have you considered filing a civil lawsuit for wrongful imprisonment and false arrest? This could potentially lead to compensation.
I have no money for a lawyer
What is your current location? There are organizations that provide free or low-cost legal services to those who can't afford a lawyer.
Concord North Carolina
What was the duration of your imprisonment before your case was dismissed?
5 months
Based on your location, you may be eligible for free or low-cost legal services from Legal Aid of North Carolina. Is there anything else I can help with?