Visiting Zoo As Offender


Sex offenders may face restrictions when visiting public places like zoos. Check probation terms, consult your officer, and review zoo policies for compliance. Seek legal advice for clarity.

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I would like to go to the zoo but i am a sex offender am i able to
Hello ****, the rules regarding sex offenders visiting public places like zoos can vary by jurisdiction. Could you please tell us your location so we can provide the most accurate information?
Hello ****, in Cameron:
*. You should look at the conditions of your probation or parole.
*. You may need to ask your probation or parole officer.
*. The zoo may have policies about registered sex offenders.
Please respect all rules and restrictions.
I caled the zoo but they hung up on me when i said i was a sex offender
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's important to understand that each institution, including zoos, can set their own policies. I'd recommend seeking legal advice to understand your rights and responsibilities better.