Finding Case Details Online


To find case details for Commonwealth v. Haines, use the format Commonwealth v. Haines, 20 A.3d 222 (Pa. Super. 2011) on legal databases like Westlaw, LexisNexis, or Google Scholar. If you have trouble, it could be due to incorrect citation, limited database access, or the case not being published online. Visit a local law library for further assistance.

Full Conversation

can you provide information on where I can find these case details
Sure, you can find the case details for Commonwealth v. Haines, * A.3d * (Pa. Super. *) on online legal databases like Westlaw, LexisNexis, or Google Scholar. You can also visit the local law library for access to these databases.
are you familiar with the case Commonwealth v. Haines, * A.3d * (Pa. Super. *)?
Yes, I am familiar with the case Commonwealth v. Haines, * A.3d * (Pa. Super. *). It sets an important precedent regarding the necessity of dates on written judgments of sentences. What specific information are you looking for about this case?
if I wanted to look up this case, what would be the proper way to do so in regards to format?
To look up this case, you would use the following format: "Commonwealth v. Haines, * A.3d * (Pa. Super. *)". You can input this on legal databases such as Westlaw, LexisNexis, or Google Scholar. It includes the case name, citation, court, and year.
why am I having a hard time finding this case?
You may be having trouble locating the case due to:
- Incorrect citation
- Limited database access
- The case may not be published online
Try using different databases, or contact a local law library for assistance.