Reopen Cold Case Pittsburgh


To reopen a cold case in Pittsburgh, contact the Cold Case Unit of the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police. Report harassment to local police. For custody rights regarding your niece, consult a family law attorney. Each case is unique and may require specific legal advice.

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I need to reopen a cold case and put my the person who touched inappropriate in jail
Hello **** ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In order to guide you better, could you please let me know which country or state this happened in?
I need to also report a harassing from my mom and brother and as well as getting rights with my neice
Hello **** ****, I understand you're dealing with several issues here. To provide you with accurate information, could you please tell me which state you are currently residing in?
Pittsburgh pa
Hello ****,
For your situation:
*. Contact the local police in Pittsburgh to report the harassment and the inappropriate touching.
*. For your niece's custody, consult a family law attorney.
*. For the cold case, contact the Cold Case Unit of the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police.
Remember, every case is unique.