Probation Violation Alabama Law


The user is on probation in Alabama for possession of a controlled substance. She claims she never saw any evidence of the drugs she was charged with possessing. She feels her lawyer did not adequately represent her and that she was pressured into taking a plea deal due to personal circumstances. She also alleges that police officers tried to coerce her into becoming an informant. She has not taken any steps to appeal her case or file complaints against her lawyer or the police officers. She is currently in good standing with her probation and court referral, but has not completed required NA classes.

Full Conversation

Iam on probation and court referral and i have been on it for over a year now but i was nt shown a motion of discovery in my case are any evidence and I took the plea because my brother had pancreas cancer and I need to be with my family but the police officers gave me a traffic citation and then the next day took me down a dirt road to help me for * hours trying to get me to be an informant and I went corporate with them and that's why I'm in this trouble nowk
What state are you located in, ****? This will help me provide more accurate information regarding your legal situation.
What was the original charge for which you were put on probation?
Possession of a controlled substance but I never seen any drugs no pictures of these drugs or anything
Did you have a lawyer representing you when you took the plea? In Alabama, possession of a controlled substance is a serious offense.
Yes I did but I feel like I he didn't do his job as far as on my part cuz he would have looked at all the evidence that he had and like I said I was never shown any drugs any pictures of no drugs anything that these people are talking
Did you express your concerns to your lawyer about not seeing any evidence? In Alabama, defendants have the right to review the evidence against them.
Honestly I was just trying to get home to my family and my brother was dying from pancreas cancer and matter he died about 2 months after me being home
Did you ever file a complaint against your lawyer for not adequately representing your case?
I never knew that I could do that I'm not very smart when it comes to this legal stuff and I also have a disability mental issue so I'm not very smart when it comes to this lega
Did you inform the court about your mental disability? In Alabama, defendants with mental disabilities have certain rights that can affect their case.
No I didn't know that I needed to
Did you inform your lawyer about your mental disability? In Alabama, it's important to disclose such information as it can impact your case.
No the lawyer was just an eager for me to sign the plea bargain and actually I signed it in inside the jail house wasn't even in the courtroom
Did you feel pressured or coerced into signing the plea bargain? In Alabama, plea bargains should be entered into voluntarily and knowingly.
Kind of yeah and cuz my family was my brother was dying from cancer and I felt like I needed to get home and yeah I felt pressured into signing it that was the only way I was going to be able to be with my family and see my brother without him dying and me not seeing him
Did you ever discuss with your lawyer about feeling pressured into signing the plea bargain?
No and he also was a lawyer in another case of a that I was kidnapped a man kidnapped me from my house and he was the case he was the lawyer in the man's case he was the man yeah the lawyer and the man's case the kidnap m
Did you report the kidnapping incident to the police? It's important to report such incidents for your safety and legal protection.
Yes the man went to jail for it he had a AR-* in my face and you made me get in his vehicle took me to his house I ran from house the police was called and he is currently Incorporated now
Did you inform the court or your lawyer about this kidnapping incident and the potential conflict of interest with your lawyer representing both you and the person who kidnapped you?
Not to mention the police officers in this County that I live in and took me down a dirt road detain me for * hours and try to get me to be informant and because I wasn't informant this is why I'm in trouble now
Did you report this incident with the police officers to any higher authority or file a complaint?
I was too scared to
What specific actions by the police made you feel scared?
Because I was pulled over for a traffic citation and the next day I was contacted by the police officer that pulled me over and put in the backseat of the car I had to walk down the road to meet the police officer and I was taken to a dirt road for * hours there was three men two men that was not in uniform one man that was in uniform and the first thing they told me was not to tell the mayor of my town or to share for my town
What specific information did the police officers want you to provide as an informant?
They wanted me to set people up people were coming up to my my son telling to him that I saying that I was the police work for the police I didn't leave my house I was very very much intimidated by the police officer
Did you document or record any of these incidents with the police officers? It's important to have evidence when making such serious allegations.
Yes I did not document them down I still have the traffic site and my family they talk to the police officer that had me out there on the dirt road for * hours and said they never saw me but I was standing right in front of them
What was the reason given for the traffic citation? In Alabama, traffic citations can be contested in court if you believe it was unfairly issued.
I had expired tag and no insurance my truck got impounded and they said they found drugs in my purse but they gave me my pocketbook back I also have a witness to the whole thing
What was the exact charge related to the drugs they claimed to have found in your purse?
Possession of a controlled substance but I never ever seen any drugs that they said they found they didn't show me anything and I have a witness dating that they saw the same thing I walked away from them that night the next day I was contacted by the same police officer on messenger I also have a message on messenger from the police officer messaging somebody else stating that that person didn't buy drugs off me and my sister he would personally lock their ass up
Did you save the message from the police officer on messenger? It could be crucial evidence in your case. In Alabama, it's illegal for officers to threaten or intimidate citizens.
And 3 months later after this incident and I wouldn't cooperate with them they they come back and had a warrant for a possession of a control substance and pick me up and that's when I went to jail
Did you have a chance to contest the warrant before you were arrested?
Yes I did save the message
What was the date of the incident when you received the traffic citation and when the police contacted you the next day?
It's been about 2 years ago
What steps have you taken since then regarding your case?
Contacted a couple lawyers but they said they couldn't help me so I kind of gave up on it but I feel like my as a citizen my life my rights were violated and I don't feel like there could be I should be able to take me down a dirt road for * hours question me and and intimidate me like that and not show me no drugs that I'm being charged with or anything
What specific rights do you believe were violated during this incident?
I feel like they did not have the right to take me down a dirt road cuz you can't even talk to a male officer in the jail without a female officer being there and I have a witness to the whole scene if that there was any drugs the person that saw this going on with a saw the drugs that supposedly that I had
What is the name and contact information of your witness? It's crucial to gather all evidence and testimonies to support your case.
Author Harrison
What is the current status of your probation and court referral?
I'm in good standings the only thing that keeping me on Court Referral is some classes that I haven't done yet I did * of them online but they said that they can't accept those and that's it
What type of classes are you required to complete for your court referral?
Na classes
What is the duration and frequency of these NA (Narcotics Anonymous) classes as per your court referral?
What is the reason given for not accepting the NA classes you completed online?
They just said that they can't accept them I did * of those and I have the email where I did those classes
Can you provide more details about the organization or platform where you completed these online NA classes?
It was online at a doctor's office and the Court Referral Program is only a *-month program I've been on this stuff for 15 months
What is the name of the doctor's office where you completed these online NA classes?
Bicycle health
What is the contact information for Bicycle Health where you completed your online NA classes?
I would have to look the number up the doctor's name was Heather Fritz
What is the exact reason given by the court for not accepting the NA classes you completed at Bicycle Health?
Court Referral just said the lady said that she can't accept those but the one lady told me that they could accept it that's why I went ahead and done them and then when I got got in there one day they told me that they couldn't accept them
What is the name of the court referral program that is not accepting your online NA classes?
I live in Geneva County Alabama
What is the name of the court that issued your probation and court referral?
Geneva Alabama
What is the name of the lawyer who represented you in your case?
Michael Hughes
What is the current status of your case with Michael Hughes?
Haven't spoke to him in 15 months since I've been put on Court Referral
What is the reason you haven't spoken to your lawyer, Michael Hughes, in the last 15 months?
I haven't had to speak with him I didn't feel like he did his his job as a lawyer because if he did he would have saw that there was no motion of Discovery for this or anything he was just trying to hurry up and get done with me and going to the next person
What is the current status of your case? Are you still on probation or has your case been closed?
I'm still on probation right now and Court Referral
What is the exact duration of your probation and when is it supposed to end?
September of this year
What steps have you taken to address the issues with your lawyer and the court regarding the lack of evidence and the pressure you felt to take the plea deal?
I had this is I haven't took no steps this is the first time that I have contacted anybody I haven't spoke to my lawyer about it because the when I did speak to him he said that I can't appeal it after this and I feel like there's lack of evidence there so I should be able to appeal this
What was the exact reason your lawyer gave for not being able to appeal your case?
Because I only had so many days to appeal it in those days is up but my brother was dying the last thing was on my mind was appealing something trying to grieve over my brother dying and my family with my family
I'm sorry to hear about your brother. Did you inform the court about your circumstances that prevented you from filing an appeal within the given time frame?
I just lost my dad a year before my brother passed away
I never even went into a courtroom.
What was the reason you never went into a courtroom?
I did go in front of a judge but I had already assigned my appeal I already signed my paperwork and everything and I didn't want to get stuck in there because it was already trying to revoke my bond cuz I've been out on bond ever since they pick me up for a possession of a control substance when the issue the warrant out for me and I was taking this stuff to try but my brother got sick and I end up going to jail and they revoke my bond
What was the reason given for revoking your bond? In Alabama, bond can be revoked if conditions are violated or if new charges are filed.
A new charges for something that happened in * I have old fines that's why I got picked up and then they I had a some Suboxone that I had a prescription for that that got thrown out in court
What were the new charges related to the incident from *?
No it was just fine
What was the nature of the old fines that led to your arrest?
I had to pay pay fines due to I got caught stealing at Walmart
What was the total amount of the fines you had to pay for the theft at Walmart?
Like * are less
What steps have you taken to pay off the fines related to the theft at Walmart?
I've already paid those fines off and I'm through with all that
What is the current status of your probation? Are there any remaining obligations or conditions you need to fulfill?
I'm not on probation for that
What are you on probation for currently?
For the police taking me down a dirt road and coming back saying that I had drugs on me the night did they pull me over and never show me no drugs
Did you ever receive a copy of the police report or any other documentation related to this incident?
When I asked for the police report they told me that it was on my tickets that was the police report
Are u there
What was the exact charge related to the drugs they claimed to have found on you?
Possession of a control substance
What was the controlled substance they claimed to have found on you?

In Alabama, penalties for possession of a controlled substance can vary depending on the type of drug and the amount found.
Methamphetamine but my one of the first lawyer that I had she read out the a report stating that I had Xanax and weed and all this other stuff but they never showed me any of this no methamphetamine no Xanaxes no weed no none of that
Did you ever receive any lab reports or other evidence confirming the presence of these substances? In Alabama, the prosecution must prove that the substance is indeed a controlled substance, often through lab testing.
No they didn't even do none of that
Did you ever request for the lab reports or any other evidence related to the substances they claimed to have found?

In Alabama, defendants have the right to request and review all evidence against them.
No I thought my lawyer should have done that I didn't know anything about any of that no
Did you ever discuss with your lawyer about requesting the lab reports or any other evidence related to your case?

In Alabama, it's the lawyer's responsibility to request and review all evidence against their client.
No I just signed the plea deal and that was it
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Yes, I am an AI developed to provide legal information. How can I assist you further with your legal issue?
Can you refer me to someone that could help me
Can you please specify the type of legal help you are seeking? Are you looking for a lawyer to appeal your case or a legal advisor to guide you through the process?
I would like to appeal my case due to lack of evidence
What is the specific evidence you believe was lacking in your case?

In Alabama, to appeal a case, you generally need to show that there was a legal error that affected the outcome of the case.
The drugs they said i had