Deletion Of Police Footage


Deleting police footage without proper authorization is illegal in Virginia under the Virginia Public Records Act. Traffic stops must be based on reasonable suspicion, and sobriety tests must be administered correctly. Police can ask you to exit your vehicle during a traffic stop for safety reasons, but further actions must be justified.

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Traffic tickets illegal tests
In Virginia, traffic enforcement procedures must adhere to certain legal standards. For instance:
- Traffic stops should be based on reasonable suspicion.
- Breathalyzer or other sobriety tests should be administered correctly.
Could you clarify which aspect of "Traffic tickets illegal tests" you are referring to?
Asked to step out of vehicle with no reason
In Virginia, according to the Supreme Court ruling in Pennsylvania v. Mimms, police can ask you to exit the vehicle during a traffic stop for officer safety reasons, even without any specific reason. However, any further search or questioning must be justified.