Online Interaction With Minors


In Texas, online platonic interactions with minors are generally legal unless they involve exploitative or inappropriate content. The intent behind the communication is crucial in determining legality. Child luring laws focus on the nature and intent of the interaction. If the communication is purely platonic and non-exploitative, it typically does not constitute child luring. However, any communication perceived as having inappropriate intent could be problematic.

Full Conversation

So it isn’t child luring
Child luring laws can vary significantly by jurisdiction, but generally, the key factors involve the nature of the communication and the intent behind it.
To provide more specific guidance, could you please specify your location?
In Texas, the legality of online interactions with minors depends on the nature and intent of the communication.
- Child Luring: Under Texas law, it’s illegal to engage in online communication with a minor with the intent to commit an offense, such as sexual exploitation or solicitation.
- Platonic Interaction: Purely platonic, non-exploitative communication typically doesn’t constitute child luring.
Can you describe the nature of your interactions to help provide more specific guidance?
We are friends
In Texas, purely platonic interactions with minors are generally not illegal. However, any communication perceived as exploitative or with inappropriate intent could be problematic.
- Platonic Interaction: Legal as long as it remains non-exploitative.
- Intent: Critical in determining legality.
Do you need any more specifics on what constitutes inappropriate communication?