Probation Violation Consequences South Dakota


The user is facing a probation violation in South Dakota due to a failed THC test. The user is concerned about the potential consequences, which can be severe in South Dakota. The user was asked to clarify the terms of their probation and the nature of their offenses.

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Unfair scene
Could you please elaborate on what you mean by "unfair scene"? Are you referring to a specific incident or situation?
16 years scene for a failed UA the first on out of *
What is the nature of the UA test you failed? Was it related to employment, probation, or something else?
Probation and thc
What state are you in? Different states have different rules regarding probation violations and THC.
South Dakota
What were the terms of your probation? In South Dakota, probation violations can lead to severe penalties, including jail time.
Was no like afences
What do you mean by "Was no like afences"? Could you please clarify?