Indecent Exposure In Changing Rooms


In Suffolk County, New York, indecent exposure is defined under New York Penal Law § 245.01. Changing rooms are typically private spaces, and being naked while trying on clothes is generally not considered indecent exposure unless lewd behavior is involved. Since there were no complaints in your situation, it does not appear to be a strong case for indecent exposure. Context and intent are crucial in determining whether an act constitutes indecent exposure. If you have further questions or concerns, consider consulting with a local attorney for personalized advice.

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In Suffolk County, New York, is it specified in the local laws whether wearing no underwear in a changing room would be considered indecent exposure?
In Suffolk County, New York, indecent exposure generally falls under New York Penal Law § *.*. It states that a person is guilty of exposure when they appear in a public or private place in such a manner that their private or intimate parts are unclothed or exposed.
Changing rooms are typically considered private spaces. The context and intent matter. If you're not behaving in a lewd manner, it may not be considered indecent exposure.
Would you like more detailed information based on your specific situation?
Is it indecent exposure if I was naked in a changing room in Walmart?
Hey Dale! Generally, being naked in a changing room, especially when you're trying on clothes, is not considered indecent exposure in New York. Changing rooms are private spaces, and if you're not acting in a lewd manner, it shouldn't be an issue.
How was your behavior? Were there any complaints?
Case Rating: *
Since there were no complaints and changing rooms are generally considered private spaces, it does not seem like a strong case for indecent exposure. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!