Legal Consequences Accident Scene


Leaving the scene of an accident in New York can result in fines or imprisonment, depending on the severity of the incident. When turning yourself in, be respectful and cooperative, but avoid providing details about the incident. Politely request to speak to a lawyer before answering any questions, as you have the right to remain silent. Consulting with a local attorney beforehand is advisable.

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Was in a accident and left the scene going to turn myself into the police today
Hello **** Rivera, leaving the scene of an accident can be considered a crime in some jurisdictions, and the penalties can vary. Could you please provide me with your location so I can give more specific information?
New york
In New York, leaving the scene of an accident can result in:
- A fine of $*-$*, or imprisonment for up to 15 days if property damage occurred.
- A fine of $*-$*, or imprisonment for up to 7 years if personal injury occurred.
It's advisable to consult with a local attorney before proceeding.
What’s should o say when I turn myself in
When turning yourself in, keep these points in mind:
- Be respectful and cooperative with the police.
- Don't offer any details about the incident.
- Politely request to speak to a lawyer before answering any questions.
- Remember, you have the right to remain silent.