Communicating Threats Legal Consequences


The user is facing charges for communicating threats in North Carolina, a Class 1 misdemeanor. The threats were made during a text argument, under emotional distress and substance influence. The recipient responded by providing their address and inviting a physical confrontation. The user was stopped by the police before reaching the location and was given a warning for possession of marijuana. The users court hearing is scheduled for September 5th at the Brunswick County Courthouse. The user is considering hiring a court-appointed attorney due to financial constraints.

Full Conversation

Communicating threats, me and someone else were arguing and I told them I'd slit their throat
What state did this incident occur in, ****? It's important to know as laws regarding threats can vary by location.
North Carolina
What was the context of the argument and was there any witness present during this incident?

In North Carolina, communicating threats is a Class * misdemeanor.
All of the arguments took place over textin
What was the nature of the argument and did you send these texts under duress or influence of any substances?

In North Carolina, intent and context matter in threat cases.
My grandfather had just died on my birthday and I was going through a lot I smoked weed that day
Did you communicate your emotional state and substance influence to the person you were arguing with at the time of the incident?

In North Carolina:
- Emotional distress can be considered in court.
- Substance influence may affect the case.
No I didn't
What was the response of the other person when you made the threat? In North Carolina, the recipient's perception of the threat can influence the case.
They gave me their address and told me to come fight her
What actions did you take after receiving the address? Did you go to the location or contact the person further?
My boyfriend calmed me down and it was his brothers girlfriend at the time and he was at her house so my boyfriend was making me go and apologize to them both
Did you go to the address and apologize as your boyfriend suggested?
I didn't get the chance the cops stopped me and that was it
Did you have any interaction with the police, and if so, what was the nature of that interaction?
It was calm and collected we talked to the police they gave me a warning on the weed stuff and then ig the girl said she wanted to press charges later on so I'm not sure
What was the exact warning given by the police regarding the weed? In North Carolina, possession of marijuana is generally a misdemeanor, depending on the amount.
Im just really worried
What is the current status of your case? Have you been formally charged or are you awaiting a court date?
My court date is September 5th
What is the location of the court where your hearing will take place?
In Bolivia Nc
What is the name of the court where your hearing will take place?

For general information, in North Carolina:
- Communicating threats is a Class * misdemeanor.
- Emotional distress and substance influence can be considered.
Brunswick County Courthouse
The Brunswick County Courthouse is located at * Government Center Dr NE, Bolivia, NC *, USA. Their contact number is +* *-*-*.
Yes correct
What is your plan for legal representation at the court hearing?
Should I hire a lawyer for this issue or court appointed
What is the nature of your legal issue? This will help determine whether you need a private lawyer or a court-appointed one.
Communicating threats
What were the circumstances surrounding the communication of these threats? Depending on the severity and context, you may need a private lawyer for a more robust defense.
My boyfriend cheated on me with this girl a while ago and then I heard that she was talking bad about him cuz the girl is dating his brother
What specific threats were communicated to you? This will help determine the severity of the issue. In North Carolina, communicating threats is a Class * misdemeanor.
I told her I'd slit her throat if she didn't stay away from my boyfriend and his brother
What was the medium of communication for this threat?

In North Carolina, communicating threats is a Class * misdemeanor, punishable by up to 120 days in jail.
What evidence do you have of this threat communicated via Messenger?

In North Carolina, the law requires proof of the threat, its communication, and the intent to intimidate or terrorize.
All the messages
Do you have any witnesses who can testify about the context of these messages?

In North Carolina, witness testimony can be crucial in such cases.
My boyfriend and his mom
What is the relationship between your boyfriend, his mom, and the girl you threatened? This could impact their credibility as witnesses.
My boyfriends mom knows the girl she's dated both of her sons
Any advice?
What is your financial situation? This will help determine if you qualify for a court-appointed attorney. In general, if you can't afford a private attorney, the court may appoint one for you.
I don't really have money at the moment
Do you currently have a job or any source of income?

In North Carolina, if you can't afford a lawyer, you may qualify for a court-appointed one based on your financial situation.
I do
What is your monthly income from your job? This information is necessary to determine your eligibility for a court-appointed attorney.
About * a month
Based on your income, you might qualify for a court-appointed attorney. However, eligibility varies. Have you applied for a court-appointed attorney before?
No not yet
Have you considered applying for a court-appointed attorney? In North Carolina, you may qualify based on your income.