Photo On Phone Legalities


Having a photo of your crush on your phone in Queensland is not stalking if obtained legally and not used to harass. Stalking requires repeated behavior causing fear or distress. If the photo was taken without consent, it may raise privacy concerns.

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Is having a photo of your crush on your phone stalking?
Having a photo of your crush on your phone is generally not considered stalking, as long as it was obtained legally and is not being used to harass, intimidate, or follow the person. However, if the photo was taken or obtained without consent, it could raise privacy concerns.
Where are you located? This can help provide more specific legal information based on your jurisdiction.
Queensland townsville
In Queensland, stalking is defined under the Criminal Code Act *. For an action to be considered stalking, it generally must involve repeated contact or behavior that causes fear or distress.
- A single photo of your crush, if obtained legally, is not considered stalking.
- If the photo is used to harass, intimidate, or follow the person, it could be considered stalking.
Do you have any additional concerns or questions about this situation?