Expedite Felony Expungement Process


If you have completed felony probation and are seeking expungement, persistence is crucial. Contact the Arkansas Access to Justice Commission for potential assistance. Keep following up with the court and legal aid organizations to expedite your application.

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I was recently released from felony probation with the first offenders act in my agreement that i would be allowed to expunge my record once probation and fines were completed. I applied for the expungement and i desperately need it to process so i can pass my background check and obtain a better job, one that i had to give up when i was convicted. How do i get the process sped up?
Have you contacted the court where your case was handled to inquire about the status of your expungement application?
The people i spoke with says that itll be processed whenever the judge gets to it and they cant give me a time frame.
Have you considered hiring a lawyer to follow up on your expungement application? They might be able to expedite the process.
I am financially unable to afford one at this time. The amounts ive been quoted are my entire months earnings just to hire them and then itll be more when they do something towards the issue.
Have you looked into legal aid services in Arkansas that could potentially assist you with your expungement application?
I have contacted them as well and it seems that its not considered something that deserves their time since it involves a felony. They told me to just keep calling back and checking but its been over two months
Have you tried reaching out to the Arkansas Legal Services Partnership? They might be able to provide free legal assistance for your case.
I have yes
What was the response from the Arkansas Legal Services Partnership regarding your expungement application?
The judge will get to it when they can and that they deal with more serious issues than getting an expunged record.
Have you tried contacting the Arkansas Access to Justice Commission? They might be able to provide assistance or resources for your situation.
No what is that?
The Arkansas Access to Justice Commission works to ensure that all Arkansans have equal access to justice. They might be able to assist you. Their contact is (*) *-*.
Do i just explain everything thats going on?
Yes, explain your situation and ask if they can assist with expediting your expungement application. They may be able to provide resources or guidance.
Thank you very much for this information
You're welcome, ****. Remember, persistence is key in these situations. Keep following up with the court and legal aid organizations. Good luck!