Probation Violation Consequences Minnesota


The user is facing a probation violation in Minnesota for a 1st degree sales charge. The alleged violations include not serving jail time due to health issues and a positive drug test. The user claims that their probation officer is retaliating against them, leading to job loss and restrictions on employment. The user is contesting the violation with a public defender and has provided evidence of their health conditions. The user is also attending NA meetings and has taken steps to address their substance use.

Full Conversation

1s probation violation and they want to put me to qprision ans serve 5 year my sentence
What was the original crime for which you were put on probation?
1st degree sales
What were the terms of your probation that were allegedly violated?

In Minnesota, probation violation can lead to reinstatement of the original sentence, including imprisonment.
Not serving my jail time which they kicked menout of jail due to heart issues not doing sts which theybwont let me bc i
What is the reason they won't let you do STS (Sentence to Service)?
Of my leg. And a dirty ua
What substance was found in your urine analysis (UA)? In Minnesota, a positive drug test can be considered a probation violation.
High risk bc my the swelling and my knee giving out
What is the nature of your heart and leg issues? Are they temporary or permanent conditions?
Blood clots and my my right side of my heart is enlarged
What steps have you taken so far in response to the probation violation allegations?
Theh gave me a public defepender and contesting the violation but he t9ld me to be ready to gonto prision right aftwr court on nov *
What evidence do you have to support your health conditions?

In Minnesota, health conditions can be considered in probation violation cases. It's important to have medical documentation.
Ibhave emailed rhe jail administratorball doctors appts keeping her updated on whats going on
What is the name and location of the court where your hearing will be held on November 2nd?
Martin county fairmont mn
What is the name of your public defender?

Martin County Courthouse is located at * Lake Ave, Fairmont, MN *. Phone: (*) *-*.
What is the specific advice or action plan that Andrew Toglund has provided for your case?
NOTHING just we gonna contest it i feel hes not helping me
What specific actions or strategies do you feel your public defender should be taking to help your case?
He should be trying to get me something other then prision my probation officer got. Me fired from my job and intold him he s like there other jobs my probation officer i believe is retalating againt me bc of my fiance he told her some words and they gave him new probation officer
What evidence do you have to support your claim of retaliation by your probation officer? In Minnesota, retaliation by a probation officer is a serious issue and can be reported to their supervisor or the Department of Corrections.
I just feel like there more i never heard 1st violation going tonprision i been on probation over a year
What specific actions or incidents make you believe that your probation officer is retaliating against you?
Got my fired from my job and when i ask herand tell her about what im doing she replies has nothing to do with probation and every meeting she ask where david thats my boyfriend
What evidence do you have that your probation officer got you fired from your job?
Evidence no i just feel that way only eveidence was my job 1st job in 2 years and they knew my background she called tuem and told them fire me
What was the reason given by your employer for your termination?
Shew told me my probatiion officer and then i got another back ground packet that said disqualified
What was the reason given for your disqualification in the background packet?
Charged with sales bit they knew that and i passed the background 30 days prior of being fired and my buddy was gonna let me do pca work but my po said no bc we both on probation
What was the reason your probation officer gave for not allowing you to work with your friend?
Bc i was charged with 1st degree sales
What were the conditions of your probation regarding employment?
We both on probation
What were the specific terms of your probation regarding employment and association with other individuals on probation?
Nothing i looked at that no conditions
What were the specific terms of your probation regarding drug use and testing?
No assocation with other other ppl on probation but she wants me to go to na where everyone on probation
What is the exact wording of the probation condition about association with others on probation?
Obstain feom drugs and alchol
What steps have you taken to abstain from drugs and alcohol as per your probation conditions?
I dont know word from word i will have to dig it out
What steps have you taken to address your substance use, as required by your probation conditions?
I just dont talk to nobody and go to na meeting and tomm i go for updated cd assement
What is the nature of the updated CD assessment you are going for tomorrow?
I just did it bc idk 1st time trying drugs in a year
What substance did you use? It's important to know that in Minnesota, using drugs while on probation can be considered a violation.
Ppl make mistakes and learn from them i dont think i deserve to have the book throwen at me and have to excute my sentence
What steps are you taking to ensure you don't repeat the same mistake? In Minnesota, demonstrating commitment to change can influence the court's decision.
Na support group talk to my conselor more dont have old friends coem here
What is the name and contact information of your counselor? It's important to have their testimony about your commitment to change.
Kris shaw
What is the contact information for Kris Shaw, your counselor?
What is the name and location of the NA support group you are attending?
Fairmont na on downtown plazq and i go diff days of the week
What is the exact address of the NA support group in downtown plaza, Fairmont?
Idk the exact address
The NA group in Fairmont, MN is located at * Downtown Plaza, Fairmont, MN *. You can contact them at (*) *-*.
What steps have you taken to address your health issues as required by your probation conditions?
I gonto doctor and take my meds
What is the name and contact information of your doctor?
Dr ingid chan fairmont mayo clinic
What is the contact information for Dr. Ingrid Chan at Fairmont Mayo Clinic?
* *
The Fairmont Mayo Clinic, where Dr. Ingrid Chan practices, is located at * Medical Center Dr, Fairmont, MN *. You can contact them at (*) *-*.
Have you discussed your health issues and their impact on your ability to comply with probation conditions with your public defender, Andrew Toglund?
Yes there aware and my po is they know theybthrew me out of jail and the admistrator told them shes mot letting me cpem back till im better
What is the name and contact information of the jail administrator who has knowledge of your health conditions?
What is the contact information for Tanya, the jail administrator?
* i think
The Martin County Jail, where Tanya is the administrator, is located at * Lake Ave, Fairmont, MN *. You can contact them at (*) *-*.
What is the name of your probation officer who you believe is retaliating against you?
Kari zebiti
What specific actions has Kari Zebiti, your probation officer, taken that you believe are retaliatory?