45 Day Filing Deadline Iowa


In Iowa, prosecutors have 45 days to file charges after an arrest. If they fail to do so, you may be released, but charges can still be filed later within the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations varies: no limit for murder, 3 years for felonies, and 1-2 years for misdemeanors. Consult a lawyer for case-specific details.

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If whats to my case if nothing has been filed before the 45 days?
Hello Brandie, could you please specify your location and the type of your case? Different legal issues have different timelines depending on jurisdiction.
Iowa and criminal
In Iowa, the prosecutor has 45 days to file charges after your arrest. If they don't, you may be released. However, they can still file charges later within the statute of limitations.
What is the statute of limitations
In Iowa, the statute of limitations for criminal cases generally varies:
- Murder: No limit
- Felonies: 3 years
- Misdemeanors: *-2 years
Please consult with a lawyer for detailed information specific to your case.