Accidental Trespassing And Recording


The user, a minor, accidentally trespassed on private property in Ohio. The property owner recorded the incident but did not press charges. The user left the property immediately after being informed it was private. The owner threatened a fine, but no formal charges or written notices have been received. The user did not cause any damage to the property.

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i accidentally trespassed and a woman was recording me but then I left
What state did this incident occur in, ****? Laws regarding trespassing and recording without consent can vary by location.
In Ohio, trespassing is a fourth-degree misdemeanor punishable by up to 30 days in jail and/or a $* fine. Did you receive any formal charges?
im a minor and mo
What is your age, ****? In Ohio, minors can be charged with trespassing, but the process and penalties may differ from adults.
As a minor, your case might be handled by the juvenile court system. Did your parents or guardians receive any communication from the authorities regarding this incident?
In Ohio, the Juvenile Court handles cases for minors. The Franklin County Juvenile Court's contact is (*) *-*. Did the woman who recorded you express any intention to press charges?
no she said that I would get a fine of $*
What is the woman's relation to the property you trespassed on? In Ohio, only the property owner or authorized person can press charges for trespassing.
im pretty sure she owned it, it was an apartment complex
Did she provide any written or verbal warning before you entered the property? In Ohio, trespassing laws require the property owner to give notice or warning.
thats what she daid
What exactly did she say to you after the incident?
I think there were signs but I’m not sure I didn’t look for any
Did you receive any written communication or summons from the court regarding this incident?
Did the woman who recorded you contact your parents or guardians about the incident?
it happened like * minutes ago
Did you cause any damage to the property while trespassing?
What was your intention when you entered the property?
Did you interact with the woman who recorded you or did she just record you from a distance?
none I was just walking my dog
Did you walk your dog on her property or was it a public area adjacent to her property?
What part of the property were you on when you were walking your dog?
the sidewalk area
Did the sidewalk area belong to the apartment complex or was it a public sidewalk?
Did the woman who recorded you say anything to you during the incident or after?
no just that I was going to get a fine and I told her that I didn’t know it was private property
Did she provide any form of written notice about the fine? In Ohio, trespassing laws require the property owner to give notice or warning.
Did you leave the property immediately after she informed you that it was private?
What is the name and address of the apartment complex where this incident occurred?