Supermax Prison Security Protocols
ADX Florence, a supermax prison in Colorado, is renowned for its stringent security, with no recorded escapes. If an individual is found near the facility in inmate attire and restraints, the prison would likely assume they are an escapee until proven otherwise. This assumption would justify apprehending and processing the individual through intake to verify their identity and situation, ensuring the institutions safety and security. If there are concerns about potential legal consequences or charges, consulting a criminal law attorney may be advisable.Full Conversation
TJ was strip searched, put in a Bob Barker brand inmate uniform (orange boxers, khakis jumpsuit, orange crew socks, orange slip on canvas shoes) and restrained with BOA handcuffs up front, cuff-max box over the cuffs, waist chain padlocked in back, connector chain down to leg irons, BOA leg irons at that. He's dropped off about *-* miles from ADX on CO-* at midnight and begins shuffling toward ADX. TJ has no criminal record, and he is doing this "because he can." From ADX's point of view: once detected, will they assume he's an escapee until proven otherwise despite never having had an escapee situation? Would this justify apprehending him and processing him through intake?
In a situation like TJ's, ADX Florence would likely assume he is an escapee until proven otherwise. Given his attire and restraints, the facility's security protocols would justify apprehending him and processing him through intake to verify his identity and situation. This process ensures the safety and security of the institution.
Is TJ looking for legal advice related to any potential consequences or charges he might face?