Understanding Felony Charges


The user is facing felony charges for drug and gun possession in Arkansas. The drugs were allegedly found under the users seat in a vehicle, but the user claims they belonged to another passenger. The user also had a legally purchased gun in their possession. The user missed a court date due to lack of transportation and now has a warrant for failure to appear. The user has attempted to contact a public defender but has not received a response. The user is seeking advice on how to handle these charges.

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I have a felony warrent for my arrest for a gun charge and drug charge that i should not have been charged with
What state are you currently residing in, Davona? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information.
Do you have legal representation for your case? It's crucial to have a lawyer when dealing with felony charges.
What is the nature of the drug and gun charges against you? This will help me provide more specific information.
The gun was mine and in my possession i told tge officers this we had a person in the back seat we where taking home to tgere place we dod not lnow he had drugs on him when tge officers searched the ride he had thrown his drugs under my seat and they arrested mecfor tge drugs and tacked a gun charge on as well i had never been in ant type of trouble befor in my life my gun was bought and paid for legally um a single mother please help me
Do you have any evidence or witnesses that can support your claim that the drugs were not yours?
In Arkansas, possession of drugs and firearms can lead to serious charges. It's crucial to have legal representation.
The only evidence that I have in supporting of this fact was the fact that the gun was found in my purse in my possession, the The body camp footage will show that I stated to the officer and informed them. That the only thing that I had in my possession at this time was my handgun with one bullet in it. I told them that I was unsure whether or not it was in the clip or if it was in the chamber, the bag of drugs was found underneath a seat. The blanket law did not take into effect. Because I did not claim the drugs. But they put me in handcuffs and took me to jail. They were supposed to blanket law. Everybody in the vehicle and did not. They only charged me for it and it was not mine. It was found it was found in a family. Me pack underneath my seat but not mine. Not something that I possessed not something that I owned or even have knowledge of the vehicle itself. Wasn't I was supposed to be going Florida with my boyfriend whose vehicle it really was. We were giving this gentleman a ride home infact the drug charges inclued Marijuana charges that I shouldn't have even caught in the first place because the person who's drugs, they really were had his medical marijuana card, but instead of the police putting * and * together, seeing bad that Fanny pack and the drugs that they're in belonging to him, they charged me with it. Because I had a firearm in my possession and the firearm in my possession wasn't possessed illegally. In any way, shape or form, it was legally purchased by. I have the bell of sale for it from the original owner to state this and Arkansas and open carry state. Therefore, I don't even have to have it registered to me. But sence it was under my seat i got charged with it
Did the person who owned the drugs admit to their possession or provide any statement to the police?
He did not claim the drugs no he was happy to let me take his charges
What steps have you taken so far to fight these charges?
I had spoken with a public defender but with no actual response from their office pertaing to my case
What is the current status of your case? Have any court dates been set?
I have a warrant for failure to appear felony because i was un able to find transportation to tge court date from tge town i reside in its close to an hour away from my current residence
What is the name of the court where you were supposed to appear?
Bentonville washington county
What is the date of the missed court appearance?
May * i think
What is the exact charge you are facing for missing the court date?
Failure to appear
What is the reason you were unable to find transportation to the court?
In Arkansas, "Failure to Appear" can lead to additional charges and penalties. It's important to contact the court as soon as possible to explain your situation.

Washington County Circuit Court

Phone:(*) *-*
Address: * N College Ave #*, Fayetteville, AR *
Website: www.co.washington.ar.us

Is there anything else I can assist you with?
I do not own a vehicle the car i was in belonged to my ex boyfriend and we no longer speak
Have you tried contacting the court to explain your situation and possibly reschedule your court date?
I have and they said i would jave to turn my self in
What is the name of the public defender you spoke with? In Arkansas, failure to appear can lead to additional charges. It's crucial to turn yourself in and cooperate with the court.
Hanna murphy
Do you have any contact details for Hanna Murphy?
No i have contacted her office several times over and she jas never called me back
What is the name of the office or firm where Hanna Murphy works?
Washington county public defenders office
What is the exact nature of the gun charge you are facing?
It was dropped to a misdemeanor gun charge but thats all i know
What type of firearm was involved in the charge?
It was a little * pistol
What is the specific drug charge you are facing?
Possession with intent to deliver
What type of drug was involved in the "possession with intent to deliver" charge?
Fron what they said weed and apparently sone type of pills i tgink they said xanax but i dont know i dont take pills at all like i wont even take tylenol for a headache
Did the police find any evidence that suggests you intended to sell the drugs? In Arkansas, possession with intent to deliver is a serious charge that requires proof of intent to sell.
They said the drugs where in separated containers of some kind but i dont even know what tgey where i. I didnt know tgat tgey whete in the vehicle
Did the police provide a search warrant before searching the vehicle?
Did the police provide a reason for searching the vehicle without a warrant?
They said they had prbible cause
What was the probable cause given by the police for the search?
Said that we swerved left of sides but we where kust changing lanes we had our blinker on and everything
Did the police conduct a sobriety test or find any evidence of impaired driving?
What is the name of the person who owned the drugs?
He was some guy named martin my ex knew we where giving him a ride home or to his girl friend or somthing and then we whare gonna go have a week end in florida on the beach together
Did Martin have any criminal history or previous drug charges?
My boyfriend was a felon but im not sure of the exact nature of the charges surrounding the situation pertaining to him but i was the only one arrested
Did Martin or your ex-boyfriend provide any statements to the police at the time of the arrest?
Not to my knowledge but they asked each of us separately what was going on i think
What was the outcome of the separate questioning? Did anyone else get charged or was it only you?
I was the only one arrested
Why were you the only one arrested when there were other people in the vehicle?
I dont know no one would explain that to me i had never been in trouble for anything more then misdemeanor traffic violations ever in my life and then im being told im getting a gun charge and drug trafficking charges for drugs i had nothing to do with
What was the exact location of your arrest?
We where leaving town in Bentonville fixin to be on the interstate
What was the date of your arrest?
I cant remember the date im looking up my paperwork right now
What is the case number for your charges? This will help me provide more specific information.
It was in april between the april * th was my arrest date
What is the exact case number for your charges? This will help me provide more specific information.