Post Sentencing Legal Guidance


The user is facing a bench warrant from a 2017 DWI case in Salt Lake City, Utah. The user was not aware of the warrant until recently and is seeking post-sentencing legal assistance. The user wishes to present new evidence, including dash cam footage and audio from the police station, and possibly reopen the case. The user was represented by a public defender during the initial trial and spent 70 days in jail. The user has a hearing scheduled at the South Salt Lake City Justice Court.

Full Conversation

I am facing ADWA from * that I thought I was rob's had no paper served to me in the last 7 years come to find out that I have a bench warrant to see the judge I've already played on this case so I need a lawyer that does Post sentencing that's something you can help me with
What state are you located in, ****? This will help me provide more accurate information.
Slc ut
What is the exact nature of your ADWA charge? This will help me provide more accurate information.
What were the circumstances surrounding your DWI charge? In Utah, DWI penalties can vary based on factors like BAC level, prior offenses, and whether any harm was caused.
Well no one was harmed I wasn't actually driving the car I agreed to let the officers take my blood cause he promised that he would take me to the courthouse and clear up a warrant that I had
Did you give your consent for the blood test voluntarily or was it under the promise of clearing your warrant?
Yes he told me I have a warrant and Salt Lake if you take if I was to get your blood I will take you personally down to the courthouse and talk to the judge so you don't have to go to jail this all happened in Salt Lake please police station
Did you have legal representation during your initial trial?

In Utah, it's crucial to have legal representation, especially for post-conviction relief. The Salt Lake City Justice Court can be reached at (*) *-*.
When I originally got arrested I spent 70 days in jail when I went to see the judge we'll be in jail I don't remember what she had said and what she had charged me with and I just didn't understand what the rulings were that was 7 years ago
Did you ever receive a copy of your court documents or have access to a lawyer to explain the charges and rulings to you?
The case number says it is driving with measurable controlled substance
Did you have a lawyer at the time who explained the charges and potential consequences to you?
I think I had a legal defender like I said at that time I was in jail and being wanting to get out of jail so so badly explained it to me that they will let me out so I agreed
Did you fully understand the consequences of your agreement at that time? In Utah, a DWI conviction can lead to fines, jail time, and license suspension.
I understand what the consequences of GUA but while I was in jail I was also facing Adey previously in Provo which I thought the judge said that she would put the case on hold and let me figure out what Provo wanted to do with me first so that's why I confused on how I got these charges already put in
What is the current status of your case in Provo?
It was ADY and I already did everything to close that case and good standing
What is the current status of your DWI case in Salt Lake City?
My background check says that it is close but I called salsa lake and they say that I have a bench warrant and I need to appear to see the judge on the 19th for a adventurary hearing
What is the nature of the bench warrant issued against you in Salt Lake City?
Would a case number help
Yes, a case number would be very helpful in understanding your situation better.
What is the exact charge mentioned in the bench warrant?
I've never seen the bench warrant but with the background check Driving with a measurable control substance Class B disposition *
What is the date of the bench warrant? This will help determine if it's related to your * case or a new issue.
Like I said I haven't seen a bench warrant I know it was the way I knew I had it it's cause I have ahold on the DMV for my license called the Southwest Lake courthouse and they let me know
What is the exact reason for the hold on your DMV license?
They said I would have to take care of the warrant through the judge in South Salt Lake
What is the date of the warrant? In Utah, a bench warrant can be issued if you fail to appear in court or don't comply with court orders. South Salt Lake Justice Court can be reached at (*) *-*.
Well they had said that they sent me papers stating to appear and when I got out of jail I did not receive no papers at the address which I've lived there for 20 years
Did you update your address with the court after your release from jail? In Utah, it's your responsibility to ensure the court has your current address.
My address has remained the same and their system in Utah system for the last 20 years
Did you receive any other communication from the court regarding your case after your release from jail?
No I did not the last time I talked to them was when I was in jail and they had said that they were going to take the cash only bond off so that they can see what Provo was going to do with my DY case
What is the current status of your DWI case in Provo?
I have done everything they've asked and I successfully closed that case
What is the current status of your DWI case in Salt Lake City?
I'm not totally sure I have a court date coming up on September 19th just talk to the jud get some more information do you know any attorney that practices post sentencing law work
What is the name of the court where your hearing is scheduled?
South Salt Lake City Justice court
What is the exact issue you want to address in your post-sentencing hearing?

South Salt Lake City Justice Court can be reached at (*) *-* for further information.
I wanna know if there's any possible way to reopen the case and offer some evidence on my behalf
What type of evidence do you wish to present in your case? In Utah, post-conviction relief may be possible if new evidence has surfaced that could potentially change the outcome of the case.
Well I am not sure if they have Had gotten the officers Dash cam and security and audio video from the police station Where they promise to let me take me to talk to the judge Read me my mind to write or do any kinds of filter writing testing before they arrested meif I gave them my blood as well as with the dash cam video it was show that they did not
Did you request for this evidence during your initial trial or is this a new development?
I told my legal defender but he just brushed it off and I was in jail so there was not much that I could do at that time
Did you file a complaint against your legal defender for not adequately representing your interests?
It's been 7 years and I totally thought that this case was thrown out this is the first time I've heard about it in over 7 years so no
What is the name of your legal defender who represented you in your initial trial?
I'm not sure what shall we go defender it was I'm sorry
Do you have any documents or emails that might have the name of your legal defender? It could be helpful in your case.
Yeah I could possibly look for that do You Know anyway I can get all my illegal documents from the court hearing in *
To obtain your court documents from *, you can request them from the South Salt Lake City Justice Court. Their contact number is (*) *-*.
So can you refer me to a post sentencing lawyer at all
I'm sorry, but as a free legal information service, we're unable to provide specific lawyer referrals. However, you can contact the Utah State Bar Lawyer Referral Service at (*) *-* for assistance.