Misrepresentation In Plea Deals


Misrepresentation in plea deals can be addressed by filing a motion to withdraw the plea, showing good cause like misrepresentation or coercion. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Hello ****, misrepresentation can be a complex issue. Could you provide more information about the situation? Also, knowing your location could help me provide more accurate information.
Riverside, CA
Hello ****, Thank you for the information. Misrepresentation is a serious issue. In California, you have:
- Legal remedies like rescission of the contract and damages.
- The statute of limitations is generally 3 years from discovery.
May I know if this misrepresentation is related to a contract?
Plea deal
Hello ****, in California, if you feel that your plea deal was misrepresented, you can:
- File for a "motion to withdraw a plea"
- Show "good cause" like misrepresentation or coercion.
Please consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.