In the EU, viewing pornographic comics, including hentai, is generally legal unless the content involves minors or violates obscenity laws. If a minor unintentionally views such content without downloading, distributing, or creating it, they are unlikely to face jail time. Its important to be cautious with content where the age of characters is unclear, as it could be interpreted as involving minors. Accidental viewing without intent to distribute or save typically does not lead to legal consequences. However, it is advisable to avoid such content in the future to prevent potential legal issues.Full Conversation
Is viewing Hentai porn comics illegal?
Is it illegal to view hentai comics?
Is it illegal to view porn comics?
Generally, viewing pornographic comics, including hentai, is legal in most jurisdictions. However, there are exceptions, particularly if the content involves minors or is considered obscene under local laws.
Where are you located? This will help in providing a more accurate answer based on your local laws.
Let us say the person is in the eu. And he watched porn comics and while he was watching normal comics he viewed a comic where the age of the character was not mentioned but we all know that all comic characters are over the age of * and not to be confused with real people r desires correct?
In the EU, possessing and viewing pornographic comics is generally legal if the content does not involve depictions of minors or violate obscenity laws. If the age of the characters is not explicitly stated but is assumed to be over *, it may still be within legal bounds, but it’s advisable to be cautious.
Do you have specific concerns about the content or need more detailed information on particular EU country laws?
The person viewed the content on a public browser completely unaware of it and he viewed it. But he did not distribute nor download or save(posses) or create the following. Moreover the person is not interested in the following. Will the person be jailed?
In the EU, accidentally viewing content that does not involve minors or violate obscenity laws generally does not result in jail time, especially if there was no intent to distribute, download, or save the content.
Do you have any specific concerns about the content you viewed or the laws in a particular EU country?
I am not the person that did this however let us say it was a milf porn manga. But again the person that viewed it was under * and did not download, create or distribut it further. Will this person go to jail?
In the EU, if a minor unintentionally views pornographic content involving adults (e.g., milf porn manga), they are unlikely to face jail time, especially if there was no intent to distribute, download, or save the content.
Do you have any other concerns or questions about this situation?
Also the age of the characters was not properly displayed.
Accidentally viewing content without downloading, distributing, or creating it generally doesn't result in legal consequences, especially if the content does not involve minors.
If the person is under * and views this content unintentionally, they are unlikely to face jail time.
Do you have any other questions or specific concerns?
So if the person only and only viewed it without the intention of saving, downloading, distributing or spreading and without creating something by the likes of it and the person is under * then they do not go to jail?
In the EU, if a person under * unintentionally views pornographic content without saving, downloading, distributing, or creating it, they are highly unlikely to face jail time.
Do you have any other specific legal concerns or questions about this topic?
And if the pornographic comic has unclearity of the age of the drawn characters?
If the age of the characters in the pornographic comic is unclear, it is generally safer to avoid such content, especially if it could be interpreted as involving minors. However, if the person under * viewed it unintentionally and did not save, download, distribute, or create it, they are highly unlikely to face jail time in the EU.
Do you have any other concerns or questions about this situation?
So the person is in the clear?
If the person under * viewed the content unintentionally and didn't save, download, distribute, or create it, they are highly unlikely to face jail time in the EU. It's still advisable to avoid such content in the future.
Do you have any other specific legal concerns or questions?
Ok but they do not go to jail?
****, the person who unintentionally viewed the content without any intent to save, download, distribute, or create it is highly unlikely to face jail time in the EU.
Do you have any other specific legal concerns or questions?