Understanding Illinois Child Pornography Laws


The user is facing child pornography charges in Illinois but currently resides in Canada. The user has an arrest warrant issued in Illinois and is seeking legal advice on how to handle the situation. The user has contacted a few lawyers but has not received any responses yet. The user was advised to contact the Illinois State Bar Association for lawyer referrals and to inform the Canadian authorities about the situation. The user was also advised to consider surrendering to the authorities in Illinois after consulting with a lawyer. The users immigration status in Canada is unclear.

Full Conversation

There is a warrant for my arrest. Pertaining to images found on a laptop. Child pornography charges.
Did you knowingly possess these images or were you unaware of their presence on your laptop?

In Illinois, knowingly possessing child pornography is a felony. Penalties can include imprisonment and fines.
I live in canada currently. I believe they were images i once looked at bit never downloaded onto or saved them onto the computer
What is the exact charge mentioned in the warrant? In Illinois, viewing child pornography online can also be considered illegal, even if not downloaded.
Could you please clarify the exact charge mentioned in the warrant?
I believe in was * counts. Of possession. As i said it must have been from the hard drive. It wasnt saved. But i read somewhere as well viewed is as bad.
What is the date of the warrant and have you contacted a lawyer in Illinois to represent you?

In Illinois:
- Viewing child pornography is illegal.
- Penalties include imprisonment and fines.
I think a warrant was issued in September of *. I moved earlier in that month. I had a lawyer and he told me to stay in canada. Im assuming he didnt want to take the case
Have you considered seeking a new lawyer in Illinois to handle your case?
Emailed a few lawyers recently. Today and a couple weeks ago as well.
What was the response from the lawyers you emailed? In Illinois, it's crucial to have legal representation for such serious charges.
No replies yet today and one from * weeks ago never got back to me.
Have you tried contacting the Illinois State Bar Association for lawyer referrals? They can help you find a lawyer specializing in your case.
I recommend reaching out to the Illinois State Bar Association for lawyer referrals. Their contact number is (*) *-*.
Have you informed the Canadian authorities about your situation?

Explanation: It's important to inform local authorities about your legal issues abroad for guidance and possible assistance.
I recommend informing the Canadian authorities about your situation. They may be able to provide guidance and assistance.
Have you considered surrendering to the authorities in Illinois?

Explanation: Surrendering can sometimes lead to more favorable outcomes in court. However, it's crucial to consult with a lawyer before making such decisions.
I have considered it. I just assume its going to be court and prison. No matter what. So thats where im at
What is your current legal status in Canada? This information can help determine your options. In general, extradition between countries can occur, especially for serious charges like child pornography.
Not a citizen. We tried the process.
What is your current immigration status in Canada?
Sorry was on the phone with a lawyer in illinois briefly.
What did the lawyer in Illinois advise you to do?
He is still kooking up the case. Couldnt find it. Looking into another data base
What is the name of the lawyer you spoke with in Illinois?
Hirsth group i belief.
What is the full name of the lawyer or law firm you contacted in Illinois?
Hirsch law group. Call came from chicago number. Also office in crystal lake illinois
What is the exact name of the person you spoke with at Hirsch Law Group?
I actually forgot...they are calling back
What is the name of the person who will be calling you back from Hirsch Law Group?