Falsely Accused Sex Crimes


The user is falsely accused of sex crimes in Mayfield, Kentucky. They are considering mediation and plea deals, but are concerned about the potential impacts of registering as a sex offender on their personal life, especially as they live with their fiancé and her child. The user is also considering hiring a lawyer, despite being told they have a 30% chance of winning the case. The user is aware of the potential for reindictment and the differences between Class D and Class C felonies in Kentucky.

Full Conversation

Ive been falsely accused of committing sex crimes in Mayfield, Kentucky. I have a mediation coming up and i was needing to know what that is.
Mediation is a process where a neutral third party helps both sides reach a mutually agreeable resolution. It's less formal than court and can be less stressful.
Does it mean no jail time
Mediation doesn't guarantee no jail time. It's a process to resolve disputes. The outcome depends on the agreement reached. If criminal charges are involved, court proceedings may still occur.
How is mediation different that trial
Mediation is a negotiation facilitated by a neutral third party. It's voluntary, confidential, and non-binding. Trial is a formal judicial proceeding where the final decision is legally binding.
Is mediation better than a plea deal
Mediation and plea deals serve different purposes. Mediation is for dispute resolution, while a plea deal is an agreement in a criminal case. The choice depends on your specific circumstances.
Can my fiance come with me to mediation
Are you asking if your fiance can be present during the mediation or participate in the discussions?

General Information:
- Mediation is typically a confidential process.
- The parties involved usually decide who can attend.
In general, non-parties can attend mediation if all parties agree. However, it's ultimately up to the mediator's discretion. You should check with your mediator in advance.
What happens if i pay $* for a lawyer but still lose the case
What type of case are you referring to? In general, if you lose a case, you typically still have to pay your lawyer's fees, as they are for the lawyer's time and expertise.
In criminal cases, attorney fees are typically non-refundable. Even if the case doesn't go in your favor, you're still responsible for the lawyer's fees.
My lawyer told me if i pay $* i only have a *% chance of winning
What specific charges are you facing? This could help in understanding the complexity of your case and why your lawyer might have given you that percentage.
Alleged Sodomy, sexual assault, 3rd degree rape
What evidence has been presented against you in these charges?

General Information:
- In Kentucky, these are serious charges with potential severe penalties.
- Mayfield's nearest court is Graves County Circuit Court, (*) *-*.
Statements. No physical evidence
What kind of statements have been made against you? Are they from the alleged victim or other witnesses?
The statements are from both the victim and her family members.
What is the nature of these statements? Are they consistent or have there been any contradictions?
The states go back and forth from stating consenual to non consensual
What is your lawyer's strategy to challenge these inconsistent statements?
Im not sure
What has your lawyer advised you to do next?
Just to let him know if im going to hire him
Are you considering hiring this lawyer or are you exploring other options?
Im thinking of other options
What are the factors influencing your decision to consider other options?
Because he told me i would only have a *% chance of winning
What other options are you considering?
Taking a plea if though i didnt do it
What are the terms of the plea deal that you are considering?
The plea deal is 10 years but i only have to do 1 year in jail but i have to register as a sex offender. I really dont want to be labeled a sex offender when ive done nothing wrong.
What are the potential consequences if you reject the plea deal and decide to go to trial?
I could be reindicted and have to sit in jail until trial
What is the likelihood of you being reindicted according to your lawyer?

General Information:
- Reindictment can occur if new evidence arises or if the prosecutor decides to change the charges.
- Graves County Circuit Court, Mayfield, KY, (*) *-*.
Pretty likely
What are the reasons your lawyer believes reindictment is likely?
He says the felonies are class d right now but they could becone class c if i decide to go to trial
What are the differences between Class D and Class C felonies in terms of potential penalties in Kentucky?

General Information:
- Class D felonies: *-5 years imprisonment.
- Class C felonies: *-10 years imprisonment.
- Graves County Circuit Court, Mayfield, KY, (*) *-*.
Im not sure
In Kentucky:
- Class D felonies: *-5 years imprisonment, fine up to $*,*.
- Class C felonies: *-10 years imprisonment, fine up to $*,*.
Graves County Circuit Court, Mayfield, KY, (*) *-*.
So what should i do
What are your main concerns about going to trial?
If i lose i go to prison
What are the potential defenses your lawyer has discussed with you for your trial?
He hasnt
What are the reasons your lawyer hasn't discussed potential defenses with you yet?
Because hes a public defender and he keeps telling me to take a plea
What are the reasons you're considering taking a plea deal, despite your belief in your innocence?
Im considering a plea because its less harsh than going to trial and losing
What are the long-term implications of accepting the plea deal, such as registering as a sex offender, that concern you?
I dont want to register as a sex offender. Im engaged and me and my fiance live together along with her 5 year old daughter.
What are the potential impacts on your personal and professional life if you have to register as a sex offender?
My relationship wouldnt work because my girlfriend has a kid
What are the potential impacts on your custody or visitation rights with your girlfriend's child if you have to register as a sex offender?
I thought if you were a registered sex offender you couldnt live with children
In Kentucky, registered sex offenders are generally prohibited from living with children unless they are the parent and have legal custody. However, restrictions may vary.
What if they are step children
In Kentucky, restrictions for registered sex offenders may still apply even if the children are stepchildren. It's best to consult with a legal professional for specific advice.