Jurisdiction Over Psychiatric Intervention


Wisconsin courts have jurisdiction over cases in Wisconsin but cannot order compulsory psychiatric intervention for someone in Michigan. They can recommend it to Michigan authorities, who will decide whether to act. If your brother behaves disrespectfully in court, he could face contempt charges. Jill does not have to be present in court and cannot be compelled to listen to your brothers justifications.

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My brother has schizoaffective disorder and serious anosognosia. He has been infatuated with this woman for 15 years, though they have hardly interacted and she is married and just living her best life. They have not had contact for 15 years. He decided to be an idiot and barrage her work email with sappy messages asking her to marry him. He is in Michigan, and "Jill" is in Wisconsin. Jill filed harassment charges and he got a low grade citation. He is being a complete idiot about it and wants to have the judge compel her to hear my brother out. I am concerned that the judge may seek out compulsory psych intervention. Does a Wisconsin judge have jurisdiction to do that for someone in Michigan. My brother will be attending virtually.
Hello ****,
*. In general, Wisconsin courts have jurisdiction over cases that occur in Wisconsin.
*. They can't order compulsory psychiatric intervention for someone in Michigan.
*. Michigan authorities would need to be involved for that.
*. However, the judge can suggest or recommend such intervention.
And how would that work?
If the Wisconsin judge recommends psychiatric intervention:
*. They would communicate this recommendation to the Michigan authorities.
*. It would be up to Michigan authorities to decide whether to act on the recommendation.
*. They may decide to evaluate your brother's mental health.
*. Based on their findings, they may or may not enforce the intervention.
So if the case is in Wisconsin, but my brother is in Michigan, they'd reach out to Michigan's authorieies?
Yes, that's correct, ****. If the judge in Wisconsin believes your brother needs psychiatric intervention, they could suggest this to the authorities in Michigan. It would then be up to the Michigan authorities to follow through.
Got it. Our mom talked to the authorities where Jill lives (she also thinks my brother is being dumb) and the local police where they live, since they are friends.
That's a good step, ****. If your mom has already communicated with the local authorities and they understand the situation, this can help guide their response if the Wisconsin judge makes a recommendation. Is there anything else you'd like to know?
If he makes an ass of himself in court, is he likely to face further charges like contempt of court?
Yes, ****, if your brother behaves disrespectfully in court, even virtually, he could potentially face charges of contempt of court. This applies to all courts, including those in Wisconsin and Michigan. It's important that he maintains proper court etiquette.
Got it. And does Jill have to be present?
No, Jill does not necessarily have to be physically present in court. She can attend virtually or have a legal representative attend on her behalf. However, her input might be required depending on the specifics of the case.
So a judge can't compel Jill to hear my brother's ramblings about why his 15 years of harassment aren't so bad?
Correct, ****. A judge cannot force Jill to listen to your brother's justifications for his actions. It's her right to avoid communication if she chooses to. Her involvement in the case will be guided by legal proceedings and her own decisions.