Pro Bono Appeal Attorneys


The user is seeking pro bono appeal attorneys for a family friends son who was convicted for sexual assault of a minor by a custodian in West Palm Beach, FL. The conviction is being questioned due to potential trial errors, including ineffective assistance of counsel. The user believes that there were audio tapes where the minor stated it was all for blackmail, but these were not presented during the trial. The tapes are allegedly with the minors mother. The relationship between the family and the minors mother is slightly estranged, complicating the retrieval of the tapes.

Full Conversation

Im contacting on behalf of a family friend. Their son was just convicted and they seek any pro bono appeal attorneys in thr west palm beach, fl. Area
What was the conviction for? This will help in finding a suitable attorney. In West Palm Beach, Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County might assist with pro bono appeals.
Sexual assault of minor by custodian
What is the age of the minor involved in this case? In Florida, the severity of penalties for sexual assault can vary depending on the age of the victim.
I believe at trial, was *. His sentence was * yrs
What is the age of the convicted person at the time of the crime?

In Florida, the law considers the age of the offender and the victim while deciding the sentence for sexual assault.
* i believe
In Florida, sexual assault of a minor by a custodian is a serious crime. The age of the offender and victim can affect the sentence.
I know, but might br errors at trial
What kind of errors do you believe occurred during the trial?
Ineffective assistance of counsel
What specific actions or lack thereof make you believe the counsel was ineffective?
Failure to subpoena witnesses on behalf
What were the roles of these witnesses in the case and how could their testimonies have potentially affected the outcome?
Supposedly audio tapes existed where minor stated was all for blackmail
What evidence do you have to support the claim that the audio tapes exist?
Third party saying they spoke with minors mother...anf tape was played for
Who is this third party and what is their relationship to the minor's mother?
Mother in law
What is the mother-in-law's stance on this case and has she been willing to testify or provide the alleged audio tapes?
Im not aware
What steps have been taken to obtain the alleged audio tapes from the mother-in-law?
Thr tapes are eith thr minors mother....but playef for mother in law
What actions have been taken to retrieve the tapes from the minor's mother?
Not aware
What steps are you planning to take to retrieve the tapes from the minor's mother?
Not sure what standing family would havr in drmanfing the tape
What is the relationship between the family you're representing and the minor's mother?
Mother in law
Victims granf mother
What is the current relationship between the victim's grandmother and the minor's mother?
Slightly estranged
What steps have been taken to improve the relationship between the victim's grandmother and the minor's mother for the sake of obtaining the tapes?