Florida Open Carry Laws


In Florida, open carry of firearms is generally illegal, with certain exceptions. Violations can lead to a 2nd degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine. The type of firearm can affect the severity of the charges and penalties. In this case, the individual was carrying a small firearm.

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Hello, My name is Ashley. I’m trying to find a lawyer for my brother. His name is isiah **** He was pulled over with his friends on July *, * and arrested for open carry.
What state did this incident occur in? Laws regarding open carry vary widely from state to state.
What specific charges were brought against ****?

In Florida:
- Open carry of firearms is generally prohibited, except for certain exceptions.
- Violations can result in criminal charges.
open carry
In Florida:
- Open carry is generally illegal, exceptions apply.
- Violation can lead to 2nd degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to 60 days in jail and a $* fine.
What type of firearm was **** carrying when he was arrested?
The type of firearm can affect the severity of the charges. Was it a handgun, shotgun, or something else?
Could you please clarify what type of firearm **** was carrying when he was arrested?

General Information:
- In Florida, the type of firearm can affect the severity of the charges and penalties.
Small firearm
In Florida, carrying a small firearm openly is generally illegal. Exceptions apply. Violation can lead to a 2nd degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to 60 days in jail and a $* fine.