Restitution And Civil Court


Restitution amounts in Oklahoma felony cases are generally determined by the judge based on the losses suffered by the victim. While the defendants income might be considered, it is not guaranteed that her husbands income will be included. The court cannot directly order someone to get a job, but they can order the defendant to pay restitution, and non-compliance may lead to legal consequences. Given the complexity of your case, including potential grounds for a civil lawsuit for defamation or intentional infliction of emotional distress, it is crucial to consult with a lawyer for precise advice. Considering your profession, the damage to your reputation could be substantial, and you might have a case for defamation and possibly tortious interference with business relations.

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The issue is really complicated and I am a victim in a felony case. The defendant does not have a job and refuses to get one. If the judge does not grant me restitution, I will be taking it to civil court. My question is, if they order her to pay restitution, do they base it on her income or her and her husband's combined. He makes good money and she doesn't work
Hello ****, in Oklahoma, restitution amounts are generally determined by the judge based on the losses suffered by the victim. Income of the defendant might be considered but it's not guaranteed that her husband's income will be included. This is a complex area, you should consult a lawyer for precise advice.
Would they order her to get a job?
Hello ****, the court cannot directly order someone to get a job. However, they can order the defendant to pay restitution. If the defendant doesn't comply, they may face legal consequences. It's important to consult with a lawyer for more details.
Thank you so much. She sent nude photos of her husband to his boss and got him fired. She told them she was me in the texts. I got fired from my job at a police department. She pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for non-consensual dissemination. She was charged with a felony for false impersonation. Super crazy case.
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Based on what you've shared, it seems you may have grounds for a civil lawsuit for defamation or intentional infliction of emotional distress. It's crucial to consult with a lawyer to discuss this. They can guide you through the legal process.
I work in the media and communication business. I am currently a reporter. She could have killed my career.
Hello ****, I understand how serious this is for you. Considering your profession, the damage to your reputation could be substantial. In Oklahoma, you might have a case for defamation and possibly tortious interference with business relations. Please consult with a lawyer for more specific advice.
Thanks so much
You're welcome, ****. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions. Remember, consulting with a lawyer will provide you with the most accurate advice for your situation. Best of luck with your case.