Stolen Property Purchase Consequences


If someone unknowingly buys stolen property in North Carolina, they must return it even if they have proof of purchase. Larceny charges could apply if the buyer knew the property was stolen. Consulting a local attorney is essential for appropriate legal advice.

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My son bought a welding machine and a trailer from a guy he knew. Well come to find out the guy didn't own it, they belonged to his Dad. The Dad is good friends with our local sheriff. The sheriff called my son last night and told him he had to return the machine and trailer or get arrested for felony larceny. We live in NC. Is this true?
Hello ****, it's a complex situation. In NC:
*. If the item was stolen, it must be returned even if purchased unknowingly.
*. Larceny charges could apply if your son knowingly bought stolen property.
I'd recommend seeking advice from a local attorney for further guidance.
My son didn't know that it didn't belong to the man's son. He has proof on cash app where he paid the guy for the items.
Hello ****, your son's evidence of payment may help prove he bought the items in good faith. However:
- He should still return the items, as they were not the seller's to sell.
- It's crucial to consult a local attorney for appropriate legal advice.
Remember, this information is not a substitute for professional legal advice.