Fingerprint Results Processing Time


Fingerprint results in Minnesota for criminal record checks typically take 2-3 business days but can extend up to a week. If fingerprints match evidence from a crime scene, the individual may be identified regardless of the crimes severity or the time elapsed. Consulting a lawyer is recommended for personalized legal advice.

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how long after you register your finger prints for work do the results come back
The time it takes to get fingerprint results can vary. It generally takes between * hours to a few weeks, depending on the system used. Could you tell me in which country or state this is happening?
For criminal record
Hello Hemry, could you please clarify the country or state you're in? It will help me provide more accurate information.
In Minnesota, fingerprint results for criminal record checks typically come back within *-* business days but can take up to a week. However, delays can occur, so it's best to allow for some flexibility.
My friend stole *$ from target and is getting fringed prints registered for work is she going to get caught?
Hello Hemry. Here are some points to note:
- Theft is a crime in Minnesota and can result in penalties.
- If your friend's fingerprints match evidence from a crime scene, she might be found.
- It's best to consult with a lawyer for legal advice.
Does it have to be a major crime to have finger prints to it?
Hello Hemry, in Minnesota:
- Fingerprints can be used for any crime, not just major ones.
- It depends on whether the crime scene was processed for fingerprints.
- Again, it's recommended to consult with a lawyer.
Even if it was 6 months ago?
Hello Hemry, in Minnesota:
- There is no time limit on when fingerprints from a crime scene can be used.
- If the crime scene was processed for fingerprints, they can be matched at any time.
- It's advised to seek legal counsel.